Page 26 of The Craving

Tori: Thanks for caring if I’m dead or not!

Elouise: Sorry, forgot the unalive have access to their phones to message friends.

Tori: Seriously, bitch, listen. I’m in a car on the way home, with the Aussie god, and I need someone to care.

Elouise: What the fuck! Why?

Tori: Never let me go out drinking alone again!

Elouise: Where are you and why is he with you? You were just going for a few work drinks.

Tori: Famous last words.

Elouise: And I still don’t have a picture. I need one now, for safety reasons, of course.

Tori: Yes, shit, I took these. Him and his driver. Not bad mug shots for the media when I go missing.

Elouise: Holy fucking shit, he’s an off-the-charts hot stud. He can kidnap me anytime. At least you’ll die with a smile on your face.

Tori: Thanks for caring. And no, you can’t have him, I saw him first.

Elouise: Why would you want a man you think is going to kill you? Why did you even get in the car with him?

Tori: He’s super bossy and trying to be all protective and shit. Wouldn’t let me travel on my own.

Elouise: You don’t even know him.

Tori: Right! But he wouldn’t let me get on the train when I was drunk. Wanted his driver to take me home.

Elouise: What did you do this morning, spit some attraction potion on him or something?

Elouise: Wait, he has a driver! What the hell was he on the train for?

Elouise: Driver means money – who the fuck is he????

Tori: If I knew, do you think I would be texting you?

Elouise: How do you get into these messes, seriously!

Tori: Pure talent.

Elouise: Where is he sitting? Next to you????

Tori: Yes. Looking extremely pissed at me.

Tori: Shit, have to go, typing in the car makes me want to vomit more.

The way he has been glaring at me, I can tell the mood he’s in. I made it obvious when we got in how frustrated I am with him. I’m not taking any of this alpha asshole shit from him.

He takes a bottle out of the side door and hands it to me. “Drink it! You’ll thank me in the morning.” That came out as an order, and I don’t do orders.

“You must be talking to someone else. I will not be drinking anything while I’m alone with you,” I say, sitting up straighter in my seat.

“Are you always this stubborn?” He glares at me as he places the water in my lap anyway.

“This is a slow day. You should see me when I dial it up to a ten on the stubbornness scale. What, are you used to everyone obeying your commands?”

“Yes!” Turning away from me and glancing out the window, I see Wallace’s face in the rear-view mirror. The smirk on it tells me I hit the nail on the head.