Page 25 of The Craving

“Do I even want to ask why the fuck you are heading out there this late at night and sending your lady friend home with me?” His friend laughs loudly at him and closes the car door he had open for the woman to slide into the back seat. The blonde bombshell looks confused as she is pulled back from the car.

“No! And I said take her home, but not with you!” Nic grumbles and then turns back to me. “Let’s go, so we can get this painful trip over with. I have things to do tonight.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m going home on my own!” I’m not taking any more of this high-handedness from him.

“Wrong, you aren’t catching the train by yourself in this state. Now move it.” He motions with his arm to the car across the road and for me to step forward.

“I’m not catching the train with you!” I snap, making my point with the most dramatic placing of the hand on my hip that I can manage. I turn and start down the street, only to stumble on my ankle that hurts more than I want to admit. I thought when you were drunk, the alcohol is supposed to numb things.

Before I even have a chance to straighten back up properly, hands sweep under my legs, and I’m up off my feet being carried toward the car.

The sparkly girl calls his name as we keep going, and he doesn’t even look back or bother to answer her.

I should be screaming that a man is carrying me to a car and is about to drive away with me, but I’m too busy taking in the feel of being this close to Nic. The chest I’m leaning against is solid as a rock. He isn’t even puffing trying to carry me. Man, this guy must be fit. Probably does those crazy weight workouts in the gym every morning while normal people like me are still fast asleep. And his cologne, oh my Lord, it is having the same effect it had this morning, making me feel tingly in all my girly parts.

The moment he places me back down on the ground next to the car, it’s like his super stud spell he cast on me is broken.

“I’m not getting in this car with you. You could be an axe murderer or something!”

“I’m something all right, but if you don’t get in this car, you are going to turn me into a very grumpy man.” Glaring at me, he runs his hand through the loose blond waves on the top of his head. Oh, I’d like to run my fingers through those locks.

Shit, focus, woman.

“So, this isn’t grumpy then?” It’s like I push his buttons without even trying. I can see he is about to lose his patience with me. His jaw is ticking, and he is trying to work out what to say next.

“Tori, you are drunk and now have an injured ankle. It’s not safe to be on a train this late at night by yourself. Let my driver take you home.” His words are spoken through his gritted teeth.

“That’s the word isn’t it, safe,” I can’t help throwing back at him.

“For fuck’s sake, what will make you get in the car and feel safe?” Not giving up, he has thrown the ball back in my hands.

I’m trying to think quick on my feet, which is not easy when my head is spinning, stomach still rolling like I’m about to empty the contents, and my ankle hurts like a motherfucker. To be honest, to be driven home to my door sounds like heaven. Think, Tori, what can you do?

“I know, I want a picture of you and your license so I can send it to my best friend. Then the police will know who to arrest when I disappear.” Deep down, I don’t feel one bit scared of him, but I know I should. Sober me probably would be.

“Ughhh, fine, but I don’t have my wallet with me. I don’t need it in this bar. So, you can take a photo of me and then my driver Wallace and his license. Is that enough? Because I would really like to get home sometime tonight. It’s been a long fucking day!” He motions for me to take the picture and nods at Wallace to get his ID out too. I can’t very well say no now that he has done as I asked.

“Fine. Smile for the nice policeman that will see these.” God, I’m being a real bitch here. To be honest, this guy is trying to be nice, and I’m just cutting him down at every turn.

There is no way he is smiling for me. I can hear the growl under his breath from here.

I hear from the front of the bar someone calling my name. Looking up, I see Evan waving at me, trying to get my attention. Shit, I don’t want to go with him. I’m mentally berating myself for choosing the stranger over my ex, but weirdly, Nic feels like a safer bet tonight.

“Get in the car, Tori.” Another forceful demand, but this time, I’m too tired to argue.

Ooh, nice warm leather seats. This car is posh.

“Seatbelt,” Nic demands, sitting next to me.

“So freaking bossy.”

“Yes, now just do it.” I have a feeling if I don’t do it, he will be leaning across me in a minute and doing it for me. And being that close is a big no-no.

The driver pulls out onto the road and asks me my address. Yeah, nice one, boys. I’m not that silly. Giving them Elouise’s address will at least stop them from coming back to find me. Oh, shit, but then they will find her. Crap, I’m so freaking dumb.

Tori: If I disappear tonight, it’s the train tea disaster guy from this morning.

Elouise: OMG are you okay or just being dramatic?