Page 55 of Better Day

I’m probably about to do the dumbest thing of my life, but I have to know. When we pulled into the motel, I saw a Target across the road. Snatching the key to the room and quickly grabbing Ghost’s cap off the table, I push all my wet hair up under the hat and pull it down low over my face. It’s not much of a disguise, but it’s all I’ve got in a hurry. I wait for the water to start, and I’m out the door and past the car parked outside. My heart is beating so fast, and I can’t stop swiveling my head from side to side. I don’t even know what I’m looking for. How would I know if someone is watching me? All I can hope is that I’m in a place where there are a lot of people, so if someone tries to grab me, I’ll scream the house down and people will save me.

It sounds good in theory, but of course, if there’s a gun involved, people are likely to just run away. Gun, shit, I didn’t think of that. They won’t be grabbing me, they will just shoot me dead and be gone before anyone sees who it was.

I’m such an idiot!

Hesitating on the median strip in the middle of the road, my brain is going crazy. Should I turn back? An old truck rumbling past me lets out a backfire that has me screaming and jumping forward, almost getting hit by an oncoming car.

They lay on the horn at me for stepping out in front of them. Running as fast as I can to the other side of the road, I figure there’s no going back now.

People are looking at me weirdly as I barge through the doors, looking up at all the signs for the department I need. Medical, drugs, and personal care. Yep, that’ll be it.

I move quickly down the aisle, looking at both sides.Come on, come on where are you?Almost to the end and finally I see it.

My stomach sinks at the reality of what I think is about to happen.

Taking two boxes off the shelf, I run back to the checkout, drawing attention to myself, which is the most dangerous thing I could be doing.

“In a hurry?” The little old lady on the register looks at me with compassion when she sees what I hand her.

“Just a little. Running late,” I say, trying to make her believe that my craziness is just because I’m supposed to be somewhere and I’m in a hurry.

“I guess you are, if you’re buying pregnancy tests.” Fuck, I didn’t mean that, but if she must know, yes, I’m fucking late, and the sickness I’m sure is not stress.

“Oh no, they’re for a friend.” Why did I even say that. I’m a grown-ass woman, and she has no idea who I am. Yet I can’t manage to say the words, that these are for me, and I don’t know what it will mean.

“Sure they are, dear.” She pats my hand as I pick them up off the counter in the bag she put them in. I hand over the cash.

Watching her get the change, I just wish she would hurry the hell up.

“Tell your friend no matter the circumstances she’s in, a child is a gift. One she will love until the day she dies.” Her words are spinning in my head. I snatch the change from her hand. That day could be sooner than she thinks if I don’t hurry up. Purely from the fact that Ghost is going to want to kill me when he finds out I left the room without him and went out where there are people and surveillance cameras.

“Thank you,” I yell over my shoulder as I’m off out the doors again, not even looking back to see her face.

Dodging cars, I’m across the street and just about to put the key in the door as it smashes open in front of me, with Ghost holstering his gun under his jacket.

“Stubborn pain in the ass of a woman!” His words are probably the most accurate summation of me right now.

Stopping dead in his tracks, the fire that is in his eyes and steam off his body, I know I’m about get his full wrath.

“Inside now!” His growl scares me, and I don’t even blink, just push past him. Hearing the door bang behind me, he’s pacing back and forth across the room. I’m not eager to turn around. I can tell he’s so mad that he can’t even speak.

I need to get away from him for a minute, plus I can’t wait a minute longer.

Walking straight into the bathroom, I slide the lock on the door and pull the cap off my head. Seeing myself in the small mirror, I think about my mom for a split second. It gives me a slither of strength right when I need it.

“Cassie!” his voice booms through the door.

“I just need to pee. I’m sorry, just give me a minute and I’ll explain.” Pulling the test out and sitting down, I take a deep breath and start to wee on to the stick.

Whatever will be will be.

Through the door I can hear him mumbling.

“Sorry, she’s fucking sorry. I’ll show her fucking sorry. If I have to tie her to the goddamn seat, or me for that matter, I will. Crazy woman, does she want to die? What the hell was she thinking? What could she possibly need so importantly that she needs to risk her life by leaving here unprotected and without me? I bet she is just sitting in there hiding from me and waiting for me to calm down. Well, she’ll be waiting a fucking long time!” His voice is still rambling with anger, but I can’t hear the words anymore.

Looking down into my hand, I watch the second line start to show up as clear as ever.

My heart stops, and I forget to breathe. The room darkens in front of my eyes.