Page 54 of Better Day

“Sorry, I’m just not myself at the moment,” I say, looking at Ghost but also wanting Badger to hear me too.

“Understandable,” Badger says, his voice booming through the car. Ghost just nods at me as he raises my hand to his lips to kiss it.

“No!” I yelp, pulling my hand back like a crazy woman. “It’s all dirty, don’t kiss it,” I continue yelling as Badger’s voice is also screaming over top of mine.

“What’s happening?” What is it about these badass men and their controlling voices?

“Sorry, Badger, but I don’t want him kissing me until I can wash properly with soap somewhere. No offence, but that house was rank! God knows what diseases are breeding in there.” Now I sound like some sort of drama queen.

“Buddy, can you find me somewhere clean for Cassie with a shower, and I can grab us a coffee and breakfast? Because I’ll be fucked if I’m not allowed to kiss her for much longer.” I’m about to laugh, but I can see the seriousness on his face.

“On it. I can see where you are, so just give me five, and I’ll message through the coordinates. Any other requirements, Cassie?”

“Nope, just clean would be a start.”

“Can do. And by the way, he’s one of the best. And I don’t say that easily. Later.” The phone disconnects with a click through the speaker, and the music drops back into the car.

I don’t want the conversation to stop again, so I ask the obvious question. “You seem angry.” I try to keep a calmness in my voice that I’m not feeling on the inside.

“I’m fine.” Those two words are such a bullshit answer.

“Right. Okay, understood.” Looking out the window, I try not to show the hurt at him shutting me out.

“Cassie, just leave it.” The strain in those words tells me he can’t talk about it, so it’s either me or something about me. Either way, it’s not great for me.

“Mhmm.” I pick up my bottle of water and take another sip, still trying to get the acidic taste out of my mouth.

The chime from the phone takes both our attention as we scan the text message on the screen on the dashboard. Badger has booked a hotel room in a drive-in motel only ten minutes from here. The last line of the text makes me laugh.

Badger: And they assure me it’s spotlessly clean.

“You even have Badger running scared.” He rolls his eyes at me but smiles at the same time.

“I doubt Badger is scared of anyone,” I reply, trying to relax a little. I can’t keep all this stress on board. I can’t imagine life on the run is going to be all peaches and cream. I need to learn to roll with the punches.

“You’re spot-on. Now, let’s get to this motel and get you showered and fed.” There isn’t much more to be said as Ghost starts paying attention to the GPS map that is taking us to the address Badger gave us.

* * *

“It even smells clean.” I sigh with relief as we enter the room. I stayed in the car while Ghost got us checked in. I can just imagine what they will think when we check out again in an hour’s time.

“You wash up first. I need to talk to Badger.” He is still a bit short with me, but I don’t care right now. That shower is calling my name. Stripping down, I want to burn the clothes from last night, and even though I don’t have that many, I decide to throw them in the trash in the bathroom. I just don’t want them anywhere near the rest of my clothes.

Before I even step into the shower, I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. I need to get rid of the crap taste in my mouth.

The steaming water is soon streaming down over my body, and it’s like the soap is washing away not only my bad mood but my clouded brain along with it. This is four days in a row I have felt sick in the morning and the second I have been vomiting. My greatest fear is now closing in around me. This could be the worst thing to happen. Laying my head on the tiles, I try to think about what I can do. I don’t want to add to the stress that Ghost is already carrying because of me, but my gut feeling is that I’m about to dump a whole lot more on top.

The knock on the door tells me it’s time to get out and get a plan together.

* * *

“Feel better?” Ghost is standing at the door as I open it, leaning in to kiss me.

“No kissing until you have showered. And yes, I feel amazing.” As I step around him, I hear the groan.

“You’re killing me.” The grumble echoes in the bathroom as he slams the door.

I grab my shoes, knowing I don’t have much time to waste. He will be in and out in a flash. I slip the phone he gave me into my pocket and take cash from my bag. Then I text a message to his phone that I see sitting on the table.