Page 51 of Better Day

* * *

We’ve been driving now for around six hours, with a couple of minor stops along the way for gas and restroom breaks. I think if I make Cassie stop on the side of the road ever again, she may just kill me.

I messaged Badger the last time we stopped, getting the coordinates for our safe place for tonight. It has nothing to do with the agency and is off-grid, as we call it. Whereas I have the ability to find so much through my computer to help, Badger is the one with the contacts. I don’t want to know who they are or where they came from. I trust him with Cassie’s life, and that’s saying a lot. He is one of the only people in this world who now knows where we’re headed for our final destination.

It’s something I have kept to myself for years, knowing one day I would need it. I truly thought it would be for me after a job went south and I needed to decompress. But this is more intense. It’s the only place I can hide until this all clears where I know I have a chance of keeping Cassie alive. We are a few days away from my property, and I need the time tonight to cover our tracks and start planting decoy information on the web. If anyone starts digging into either of us, it will send them in the opposite direction to where we’re headed, and in circles a few times too.

There’s an email reply from Bull, and I’m not opening it until we’re settled in for the night and I have finished everything I need to do. Cassie has offered to drive to give me a break today, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. She has had a huge shock and upheaval, and there is no way her concentration level is where it needs to be if we start being followed.

There is so much I’m going to need to teach her as soon as we can. First port of call is how to shoot a gun, reload it, and in an emergency, to fix it if it jams. I never want her to feel vulnerable. She may not want to do it, but I know her independence will appreciate that I’m giving her some control in keeping herself safe. I fucking hope she never needs to use it.

Then will come the skill of driving at high speeds safely. I’ll be thankful when we pick up the car that Badger has sitting at the house tonight. My car of choice for safety is a Range Rover SUV. Not the old style that were made for use by the Army in the war. These modern-day ones are just what I need. Of course, it’s black, with dark-tinted windows and all the modern satellite navigation and Bluetooth systems I need. Lower to the ground for aerodynamics and handling on the road at high speed, but sturdy as hell. How Badger got it so fast I’ll never know, but that’s like I said. I don’t need to know how, I’m just thankful that he managed to arrange it. Then when we leave in the morning, he will arrange for this Dodge to disappear.

I know Bull would have been perfect at helping me on the run, but he doesn’t have the same sort of connections Badger does. Besides, I knew the moment I made the decision we were going into hiding that I couldn’t expect Bull to do the same. He doesn’t deserve to be taken away from his family with no end date on this one.

“Are we close to the place? I need to sleep, and you do too.” I’ve seen how hard Cassie has been fighting it for the last thirty minutes, wanting to stay awake because she is too scared to close her eyes while we’re out in the open. I didn’t realize how much today has taken out of her. Her face is a little pale for my liking. I live this type of life every day in my job, but for her, it has wiped her out.

“About another hour. Just sleep, beautiful. I’ve got this.” Taking her hand in mine and pulling it to my lips, I kiss it to remind her that no matter what, we still have us.

“I’ll stay awake to keep you company.” Her words are half mumbled the harder she is fighting sleep. Placing her hand back in her lap, it took at the most sixty seconds and the first soft snore came from the passenger side of the car.

Although her brain is strong, her body took over and won.

Sleep, my bright eyes. A few more days and we’ll be home.

* * *

It’s after dark by the time we arrive at the shack that looks like it’s about to fall down, out in the middle of nowhere. I’m thankful. I carry Cassie into the house and find a bed that looks cleanish. I place her carefully down and whisper to her that she is safe which has her slipping back into her deep sleep. It surprises me she didn’t wake, but also tells me her body is struggling to keep up with all of this. Thankfully, though, it gives me time to quickly open the barn doors, and there in front of me is the brand-new Range Rover, as promised. I transfer our bags into it and only bring inside what we need for tonight.

Setting myself up on a chair and using the dresser in the room as a makeshift table, I set to work on everything I need to get done. Cassie sleeps through the whole time I’m working. It gives me some relief that she trusts me enough to be able to sleep as deep as she is right now. Looking at the time, I see it’s just after midnight, and I know it would be stupid of me to miss the chance of a small sleep to recharge, ready for another long day of traveling.

I have one last thing to do before I lie down and snuggle up to Cassie.

Opening Bull’s email, the first line is exactly like I expected.

I’m going to fucking kill you, Ghost, you stupid dickhead!

Yep, I’d be disappointed with anything less. What else has he got to say?



Ididn’t tell Bull about Cassie.

Not because I don’t trust him. I trust this man with my life, and that means with hers too. But I don’t want to drag him into this and put his or his family’s lives in danger. These men will stop at nothing to get to her. My life doesn’t matter, but his does.

So, if he thinks it’s just me going dark, then it’s better for all of us. It’s one less person to be worried about and have on my conscience.

Continuing to read on, I try not to smirk at the vision I have of his fist slamming on the desk when he opened my email and the poor keyboard being punished as he unleashed his annoyance at me in this reply.

I’m going to fucking kill you, Ghost, you stupid dickhead!

Why the fuck do you think you need to do whatever this is ALONE?! Always the hardhead who won’t take help.

For fuck’s sake!

You know I called Badger straight away to ask if you were taking a vacation. All he answered was that it was under control. Asshole!