Page 52 of Better Day

I’m going to punch you both so hard when I see you, and I better see you soon.

I don’t know what’s going on, but no matter what it is, even though I’m pissed at you, I’m still here. I’ll always have your back, ALWAYS!

I wish I had your freakish computer-hacking skills because I would track your ass down, dickhead, and tell you all this myself.

Right, enough yelling at you, and I know you are sitting there laughing at me. Not fucking funny, dumbass. Now keep your head down and eyes open.

Get in touch when you can, and DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID! OR MORE STUPID! Or it will be me you’re running from, when I come to kick your ass.

Love you, Bro,


He is the closest I have to family, and it hurts to once again be leaving my family behind. The first time, it was actually easier to walk away from my biological family because they didn’t care about me anyway. To them I was just there, existing in the chaos of the house. This time I know I’m going to miss Bull. As much as we spend our whole time together giving each other shit, we do it with the underlying love for each other as brothers. We are the type of men that don’t talk about that part of our relationship, so Bull telling me he loves me lets me know he’s worried and wants to make sure nothing is left unsaid. I get it, and all I can reply is with the same one line.

Love you too, Bro. Signing off.

I can’t keep communicating with him at the moment because it runs the risk of us being tracked, no matter that I have covered our tracks and my security on the net is tight. I’m good at what I do but not arrogant enough to know that there aren’t people out there who are better. Money talks and people will sell their soul for it. But I want Bull to know I got his message and read it loud and clear.

Shutting down my laptop, I don’t bother changing. As I crawl into the bed behind Cassie, she instinctively wriggles her body back into mine. It’s like we are made to fit. It’s only been just over a month, but our bodies know where they are meant to be. My body belongs wrapped tightly around hers.



What is that disgusting smell?

Moving my face a little to the side, I realize it’s the pillow my head is on. Where the hell are we?

I don’t need to open my eyes to know I’m safe because I can feel Ghost holding me tight. But that smell! I thought the last house was bad, but this is just… I can’t even describe the stench.

It’s making my stomach start to roll.

Fuck, not again.

I slap my hand over my mouth as I try to jump up quickly. Ghost’s arms won’t let me go, but I can’t open my mouth to yell at him. I do the only thing I can think of. I dig my nails as hard as I can into his arm.

“What the hell, Cassie,” he screams, pulling away from me. I don’t have time to look at him. Jumping up, I run toward the door. I don’t even know where to go.

My hand over my mouth must have given away the problem, as I hear him yelling from behind me, “Go right, second door.”

No waiting, I burst through that second door, and the relief I feel at seeing the toilet bowl in front of me, I don’t even care how dirty it looks.

The first burst of vomit hits the ceramic bowl, and that’s all I care about. The thought of having to clean up my own vomit off the floor has me retching again. While I’m kneeling on the floor, I feel him wrapping my hair in his hand and holding it back out of my face. With his other hand, he rubs my back, trying to soothe me.

Lord, please make it stop. I don’t think I even ate enough yesterday for the amount that is coming out. I mean, seriously, nobody should have to do this in front of the hottest guy she has ever met. It’s just wrong.

I try to take a deep breath, hold it, and slowly let it out, and I can feel my stomach finally starting to stop rolling over. Grabbing some toilet paper mounted on the wall in front of me, I wipe my mouth. I just want to rinse it out. The aftertaste is feral. Sliding to the side and sitting on my backside, I look up into the concerned eyes of Ghost. I just want to curl up into a ball in embarrassment.

“You okay?” He crouches his big body down in the small space so we’re face to face.

I want to say no, but lying to him, I slowly answer him, “Yes, just the stress again.” I know he doesn’t believe me, but at the moment, it’s about all either of us can process.

Taking a look around me so I don’t have to feel the intensity of Ghost’s stare, I try to work out what’s happening.

There is only a toilet in this room, but everything is filthy. The more I take it all in, I start scrambling up off the floor, knocking Ghost backwards into the wall with a heavy thud.

“Whoa, steady there, baby.” Springing to his feet like a cat, he’s up and ready before I even manage to get my balance.