“We are go for movement of laundry cargo.” Ashton’s voice booms into my ear through my earpiece. “And Diamond is still solo.” When I needed a code name for Cassie, Diamond seemed the perfect one—the strongest jewel in the world. Put her under pressure and she sparkles with brilliance.
My breathing is fast, and the heat in this laundry basket is extreme, but it was the only way we could make the switch, creating the illusion that I have left Cassie on her own.
Tate marked in the patient records computer system that Cassie is scheduled to leave the hospital later today, which I think will trigger her father to try one last time to get to her, before she disappears again. But we needed to give him the opportunity to think she was on her own. I left the room, and Susan, who is working my normal role on the computers, is keeping eyes on Cassie through the camera, reporting to Ashton while we do the switch, and Badger takes me back into the room in a laundry cart undetected. He wheels the cart into the bathroom so I can get out and stay in there undetected, then he returns to Cassie in the room. He will stay for a short time and then leave again, leaving me safely tucked into the bathroom in her room, with eyes on Cassie via my laptop.
I don’t think it will take long for Frank to strike.
We have multiple eyes on all cameras in the hospital, waiting to pick Frank up when he is on the move. Badger and Ashton are close, so as soon as he enters the room, they will move in on my signal. We have bugged the room, and Cassie insisted we give her time to try to get the truth out of him about what the hell he is doing and the background of how he got here. I told her she has five minutes tops to get him started with anything useful, but if at any time I’m concerned, I’ll be in that room with my pistol, with the silencer attached, and he will be dead before he can touch her. No questions asked. She needs to know I will kill him, even if she hates me for the rest of her life. Because at least she will still have a life, and that’s all I care about.
Setting myself up with the laptop and my earpiece, I can hear Badger and Cassie talking in her room, which lets me know the audio is working. Even if Cassie’s dad, Frank, and the team he has put together with Jason, has hacked the hospital feed, they don’t know our private feeds exist inside this room, so they can’t interrupt the video and audio I’m getting. They may be good, but I’m fucking better.
Sitting listening to Badger and my girl is giving me an insight into a man that has always been a mystery to all of us.
“You can still say no to this, Cassie. You say the word and I don’t leave this room!” The rasp in his voice tells me that I’m not the only one that has become attached to Cassie. “Don’t do it for Ghost.”
I want to storm out there and tell him that I never pressured her to do anything, but Cassie is answering before I can move. Plus, I can’t risk leaving this bathroom, otherwise all the strategic planning will be a waste and our opportunity gone.
“Badger, you have known me long enough to know I don’t do anything I don’t want to. And I would hope you know Ghost well enough to know that he would never force me to do anything.” Once again, she is putting one of my team in their place with her words.
“I had to ask. I care. You, my girl, have gotten under this tough skin.” It’s the first time I have heard this kind of emotion from Badger, and it makes me nervous. He is normally stone cold in these operations, and I need that today. I’m relying on it.
“Oh, Badger, I love you like a big brother, especially in your cute hospital uniform. I just wish you would let more people under that tough skin. You deserve happiness, and when this is all over, we are talking. Don’t roll your eyes at me. You can’t avoid me, I don’t give up easily.”
Ain’t that the truth. I’m trying not to laugh at my wife. Poor Badger. If she sets her sights on him, he has no chance. I’m guessing Bull is thinking the same when his voice in my ear adds, “God help the poor man when Cassie and Asha join forces.” Asha is now looking after the kids, and Bull is in my bunker watching and listening, as well as keeping an eye on my kids on the house surveillance feed. He couldn’t stand not being involved and seeing for himself that we’re safe.
“We’ll see about that,” Badger tells her with a little chuckle, telling me that he is shutting down this conversation, knowing we’re all listening. “Now it’s time to leave you. You okay?” he asks, one last check before she’s on her own.
“Don’t think that I’ll drop this conversation, Badger.” I know Cassie is using this to distract herself from the fear she must be feeling. “But yes, get out of here, I’m fine. I could do with some time without all the testosterone in the room. You boys are always so intense.” On my laptop, I see her smile up at Badger as he leans down and kisses her on the cheek.
I’m thankful for the friends I have when I hear his faint whisper, “You’re safe, we’ve got you both.” With that, Badger stands and pushes his laundry trolley out of the room, looking like it has dirty sheets hanging out from the top of it.
“Game on,” I tell my team now that Badger has left the room, and there is no turning back. I desperately want this man. I’ve spent all last night backtracking on the dark web, to the time before Frank’s supposed death. There I found what I suspect may be evidence that he has been a double agent with overseas organizations, trading government secrets. For all the hatred I have toward Jason, it has doubled overnight for Frank. I think Jason is a pawn in the whole scheme that Frank is one of the heads of. Which could have been the reason that led to him faking his own death at the time, then going underground, for whatever reason. And Beatrice was just collateral damage. Who does that to the woman they love?
My skin is burning, and I know that means he’s close. I used to hate this sixth sense I have, but today, I’m reveling in the warning system that tells me we are getting nearer to ending this.
Cassie is moving her hands constantly with nervous energy. I know she thinks she has this under control, but the moment her father steps into this room, it will be a different story. No matter how thick a wall you put up to protect your heart, when the man you have loved all your life and who you thought was dead is standing in front of you alive, nothing is going to stop the feeling of shock. That has to be a brain explosion for anyone, no matter how tough you are.
“I’m scared on my own,” she whispers, knowing I can hear her.
Oh, baby, I know, and I can’t say anything to her, but just tapping lightly on the wall is enough.
“Thank you.” I can see the water in her eyes, but she knows I’m as close as I can be, only a thin wall between us.
“Storm moving, in stairwell three.” Ashton’s signal tells us Frank is here and heading for Cassie. My heart is beating at an unhealthy rate. I knew he would come. He was right when he told Cassie in recovery that this would be the final time he would see her, because I will make sure of that. Either by putting him behind bars until his dying days or a bullet in his head, and I don’t care which one it is.
I promised Cassie I would warn her before he stepped into the room. I tap the code we decided on, three taps on the wall that mean I love you. Hearing it, I see her whole body go rock solid with fear and tension.
“Eyes on him, entering the corridor.” Badger’s roughness brings me the reassurance I need. They have him, and no matter what happens in here to me, Cassie is not on her own. They will keep her safe.
Watching the feed, I see him standing at her door, listening and looking around him. When he feels confident, he slowly opens it and sees what looks like a sleeping Cassie. Smart move, beautiful, bring him right into the room before there is any interaction between you. Give yourself time to adjust to him being near you.
Looking around the room, he gets his bearings after he locks the door. We knew he would do that, and the team got the key from Tate, which means nothing will stop them from following him in when I give them the word. Pulling his hospital mask and hat off, I see his full face for the first time, and it’s the final puzzle piece we needed. The man standing next to Cassie is her father, Frank Templeton. Of course, if that is even his real name, but it’s the one we know him as, and as my stomach rolls, I realize this man is actually my father-in-law.
Watching him moving toward the bathroom door to check that it’s empty, panic is racing inside me. But I should trust my wife, she knows what she’s doing, distracting him before he reaches me.
Making a noise, she stretches and opens her eyes, looking at him. It stops him in his tracks as they both freeze, looking at each other.