Page 100 of Better Day

“Start talking, Ghost, I’m guessing we are running out of time.”

“Hey, who’s the boss here?” He tenderly taps me on the end of the nose with his finger. That’s what we need, humor to take away the fear. That’s the way we have always gotten through this in the past.

“Always you,” I say, rolling my eyes at him.

“When it comes to your safety, damn straight I am. The rest is debatable.” I don’t have it in me to laugh out loud but smile at him to let him know he is spot-on.

Taking a deep breath, he starts outlining his plan, and my stomach sinks when he tells me he wants to lure my father into my room so he can take him on his own and work out how this all relates to Jason.

That’s the biggest mind fuck that I can’t get my head around. My father being connected to Jason and everything he’s mixed up in. The man who has done vile things in his life. Is that what my father is connected to as well? I swallow thickly, pushing the nausea down. I feel dirty all over. Do I carry the genes of man who has sold his soul to the devil? My worst nightmare is to be connected to this in some way. It was bad enough that I was so naive and loved a man who sold out his country, and now my own father has more than likely done the same things.

“Are you okay with this, Cassie? Because if you say no, then I will find another way. There’s always another way.”

I thought I saw fear in Ghost’s eyes before my operation, but watching him now as he’s waiting for my answer, this time it’s fear mixed with anger and determination. I need to take the fear away, he doesn’t have time to be battling that too.

Be his strength.

“He needs to pay, and for my mother, I’m going to make it happen.”

The relief on his face is all I’m focusing on, trying to keep at bay the thoughts that keep creeping in.But what if my dad is innocent?

The only way I will ever know is to see him and risk my life. But it will be worth it to know the truth. I can’t live with this hole in my heart that he has now created.

Come to me, Dad, like you promised, but I’m not your little girl anymore. I’m a wife and mother with a whole world to fight for.

You said you will be back for our final time together, and I’m sure Ghost will guarantee it’s our last reunion.

You have no idea who you are taking on, Dad!



It feels like a lifetime ago that each day was a simple one. What I wouldn’t give to be back in that life and not here surrounded by danger at every turn.

Trying to calm my mind, I picture waking up to Eli with the cutest little smile. He’s never impatient for his bottle and loves to snuggle after he’s fed. I remember the smell of him, my nose twitching at the thought of it. It’s just the innocence of a baby that the world’s evil hasn’t touched yet. He would then sit happily in his rocker while I get Bessy, my little whirlwind, up and ready for the day. Bessy and I would eat, play, read, learn, and share love in the hours they are both awake. Then enjoying a meal with Ghost, talking, appreciating the view both outside and inside the house. On a warm night, him with no shirt and a pair of shorts sitting low on his waist, or the cool nights with the gray sweatpants he knows I love. Both make me long to touch him. The night finishes with all the love that Ghost and I have bottled up during the day and couldn’t let escape in front of the kids. That is our beautiful simple life.

But instead, I’m watching Ghost across from me, locked in total concentration on two computers. He’s set up on the small hospital rolling table, standing from nervous energy, and his fingers are moving like crazy. His headset is on and he’s talking to Ashton and his team.

We spent the last two hours talking about everything I could think of that might be important about my dad. Tate was in to check on me and talk to both of us. He’s on board to help but voiced his concerns to Ghost about the stress on my body. I’m not letting him put all that responsibility on Ghost, like he is the one putting me in danger. I make my own decisions in this life. Standing up out of my bed, much to the dismay of both of them, with my hands on my hips, I made sure they both understood that I’m in control of my life. They just need to do their jobs and leave me to do mine.

All the words they both came out with about why I need to take it easy fell on my closed-off ears. Once they finished, I stared them both down, and I saw the one time Ghost had smiled since he told me about my father. He said the words I have heard before, but they still make me smile. “I knew you would be trouble the moment I saw you.”

My reply let him know what he needs to remember. “Ah yes, but I’m your trouble.”

Not caring Tate was in the room, Ghost wrapped me in his arms and kissed the hell out of me.

The darkness outside the window tells me it’s later than Ghost realizes. I roll onto my side to get comfortable watching him.

“You need some sleep,” he says, his voice floating across the room at me. He senses my exhaustion before I do. Pulling his headset off, he looks at me and waits.

“Bossy much?” I retort, even though I know he’s right. My mind is strong, but my body is letting me down.

“And you love it.” His words have a hint of naughtiness behind them, but I can’t go there at the moment. As much as I want to, and boy do I want to, I just can’t.

“I love you.” My eyelids feel heavy, and I know to get through tomorrow I need rest.

Moving toward me, Ghost places a tender kiss on my lips. My eyes fall shut, and the long slow kiss on my forehead as he repeats that he loves me too is all I need to let sleep claim me.