Page 92 of Defining Us

I could afford one of the fancy sports cars that some of the guys have, but when you’re my height, you go for plenty of leg room and head space. There is enough luxury in here for me. I’ve never been one for flashing my money around. Hence why I told Nat to go on a spending spree. It’s impossible for her to spend all my money in one day. If she knew what I was worth, she would be running even faster back home. It’s one of the things that freaked her out in the beginning.

With Sasha being her own superstar, she doesn’t need my money, and we’ve kept everything separate since we got married. Lots of paperwork was traded between our lawyers at the time and all sealed up to keep us both safe. Not that it mattered, for some reason I trusted her. We both know each other’s secrets that are far more valuable than money.

Arriving at the stadium and pulling in next to Tarek, I wonder if I should tell him that Nat is here. Not sure I’m ready to share her yet so decide maybe in a few days’ time. Once I’ve had time to talk more to her. Things could be so different after tonight, it’s worth the silence for the time being. If I announce she’s staying with me, I will have half a team of visitors trying to meet the hot ‘friend’ who is single. Yep, definitely keeping her visit to myself.

“Brandon. How was your quick trip home?” He slaps me on my bad shoulder, and I bite my tongue until the pain subsides. More cars are filing into the parking lot as we start walking towards the players’ entrance. Bert, one of the security guys, smiles and nods at us as we enter the building.

“Yeah, it was good. I was the star of the party with the kids, after I whipped out the merch I brought for them. They are a great family and I seem to fit in easily. Nice to just be treated as a nobody. In fact, I got just as much ribbing as I do from you guys, and they hardly know me.”

“It’s because you’re such an easy target, buddy, and we don’t even know all the stories from you growing up. I’m sure there are plenty of dumb things you did with Xavier and his sister.”

Both of us are laughing as we rest our bags in our lockers.

“Xavier, fuck yes, but Nat, not so much. Just one monumental mistake I made with her and I have been paying for it ever since.” Stripping off my shirt, I pull my football pants out of my bag.

Tarek is looking at me like I’m a puzzle.

“Care to share what that is?” He tilts his head trying to convince me.

“Not at the moment, but maybe one day. You never know. Now less talking and more changing. We need to be out on the field in less than ten.” It works at changing the topic of conversation.

Then I hear his voice from behind me.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were bringing Nat to New York for a visit? You know you have to share our mutual friend. I’m looking forward to spending time with her,” Lonigan bellows from across the locker room.


So much for keeping her a secret.

“She only arrived last night, and you can wait until she has had time to settle in before you start being a pain in the ass. Remember she is here to see me, not you, asshole.” My answer came out way harsher than I meant, but he just has a habit of doing that every time he opens his mouth about Nat. Especially if it’s sharing something she hasn’t told me. That pisses me off, a lot.

“You wish, buddy. Imagine my surprise when I messaged her randomly this morning and she replied that she was here and would love to see me at some stage. Guess I’ll be seeing a lot more of you when I pop in to pick her up and take her out. You know, show her the town, take her to the best nightclubs. Never know, she might even pick up a guy for the night.” He knows exactly what he’s doing, baiting me, and it’s working.

My fists clenched, I turn to go to him. I’ve had enough of his shit already.

“Not worth it.” Tarek grabs my arm, holding me back. By this time the rest of my guys are in the room and have my back.

“What, you that desperate, Lonigan, you can’t even get a date in this huge city that you have to pester Brandon’s friend? That’s pathetic,” Calder throws across the room at him.

“Maybe I’m just way more exciting than the old married man.” His smile tells me he is loving this.

I might be holding myself back from punching him, but I won’t let Nat be used as locker-room trash talk.

“Show some respect, man. Nat is not someone you should be using to make yourself look better in the locker room. I’m sure she would love to know you’ve been spouting bullshit about her.” Our stare-off across the room ends as one of the trainers walks in, giving us the signal to hurry up.

Yeah, you’ll keep, dickhead. This isn’t finished yet, and over my dead body will you be taking her out. She’s mine and you can keep your slimy hands off her.


The moment the elevator door closes and Jordan has left the apartment, my breathing eases a little.

“We’ll be leaving shortly. I just need to grab my bags. Is there anything you need to know before we go?” Sasha asks me as Dani disappears up the stairs to the bedrooms. I’m not sure which one is hers, Jordan didn’t show me that, but there are so many it wouldn’t matter.

“No, I’m all good, thanks. Just got some shopping to do. You know, buy up big on the Amex Black card.” Both of us giggle, knowing full well I won’t a spend a dime that isn’t on my list for equipment we need.

“Okay, well, give me your cell number and I’ll message mine to you. Just in case you need anything.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket with her message, and I take it out to save her contact, when more messages start popping up on my screen.