Page 93 of Defining Us

Dani is back with the bags, and they’re heading out.

“Nat, I didn’t say it last night, but thanks for looking after Jordan. He deserves the best, you won’t find a better guy anywhere. Just remember that.” With that she is gone and the elevator dings as it starts its descent again.

What the hell did she mean by that? I don’t need her telling me what kind of man Jordan is. And let me tell you, if she heard what he said to me this morning, she might not be thinking he is such a good guy after all.

Feeling annoyed is never the best time to reply to text messages.

I realize that in my haze of anger I have just replied to Chase that I’m in New York and staying with Jordan for a few weeks, and of course I would love to catch up.

Which, it will be fantastic to see him, but I know it’s going to send Jordan over the edge.

Me being here was supposed to be a secret, I think, I don’t know, we never really got around to discuss anything this morning. And now I’ve blown my cover straight up.

Jordan won’t admit it, but he hates my friendship with Chase, always has. Then again, who is Jordan to dictate who I see? Chase has been a good friend and someone I have leaned on when things with Jordan have become hard and messy. Like the day of the wedding when I drunk-dialed Chase. I admitted that I was in my apartment, so drunk I couldn’t walk. All because Jordan was marrying that perky-breasted, tight-sexy-ass model.

Oh God, I am an awful person.

Sasha is nothing like I imagined, and I was so mean in my rant. Thank goodness he never repeated to Jordan what I said that night, or that he told me that he would marry me tomorrow if I would let him. That secret I conveniently couldn’t remember the next morning when he tried to get out of me what we had discussed on the phone. I’m taking that one to the grave, and I hope to God he never brings it up again. I really like Chase and he is a great friend, but he’s just not Jordan.

To be honest, that’s my problem. No one is Jordan!

Damn, why does he have to be so perfect?

Well, maybe not perfect, but apparently perfect for me.

I need help, otherwise I’m going to go insane, and it’s only day one.

“Oh, you’re alive. Grant, call off the National Guard. Natalie Lane is not a missing person after all, kidnapped by her secret lover, or not dead at least!” Zara yells in my ear.

“Shhh, don’t you dare tell Grant that.”

“You assume he’s still here. He left for work hours ago. You know, workaholic and all that.” She’s laughing, but I am far from thinking it’s funny if she lets my secret out of the bag. “Anyway, I’m not talking to you, so you may as well hang up now.” Her silence lasts all of three seconds, and she’s already talking again. “Spill your guts, sister. How could you leave me hanging like that?”

“Zara, I’m in trouble. Not like a little small fender-bender trouble but like nuclear-explosion trouble. I don’t know if I’m going to last even two days, and instead, I could need to be here for weeks. I’ve already dreamt of fucking him and it was so good that I hope I get the same dream tonight, and even as I’m saying it, my body just wants the real thing. He’s flirting with me, and I don’t just mean being nice, no, I mean the kind of flirting where he’s telling me how he jerked off to me last night and came everywhere. What the actual fuck. I’m dead, like in-the-grave dead. Kill me now.”

She bursts out laughing and I just flop backward into the couch trying to work out what the hell I’m going to do.

“You’re right, you’re totally screwed, and not in the metaphorical way. Okay, okay, we need to start at the beginning. Tell dear Zara every detail and then we can order you a chastity belt to save you from doing something stupid that you’ll regret later.”

* * *

Luckily Jordan’s practice session goes for hours because I’ve just spent forty-five minutes pouring my heart out to Zara, only to finish the conversation no further ahead than when I called her. Great friend she is. She was supposed to fix my problem!

Opening up my laptop I start the search for the training equipment I want and somehow end up on an adult sex shop site, trying to find a few toys that will take care of the ridiculous problem I have. Then I’ll be satisfied and won’t have erotic dreams about Jordan.

I don’t even know what some of these things are. I mean, what does something called‘Lusty Lucy’even do for me? Pressing on the video, my hand slams over my open mouth when I see a full video demonstration of exactly how‘Lusty Lucy’takes all your worries away. This website is great. I mean, very informative, yes, that was what I was thinking. Before I’m even aware of what I’m doing, there are several things in the shopping cart, and all I can think of is, “I wish they were already delivered to take the edge off after I feel like I’ve been watching porn for the last hour.”

Finishing up my internet searches, I do what every smart adult should do—I delete my search history. You know, just in case someone wants to borrow my computer, or even worse, if Jordan found what I had been searching.

My stomach alerts me to the fact it’s getting close to lunchtime, so I know it won’t be long until he’s home. Shit, I haven’t even mapped out my training regime for him. I start madly typing up my initial thoughts. My phone ringing breaks the silence, and assuming it’s Jordan checking in, I just swipe to answer without looking.

When will I ever learn to concentrate on one thing at a time?

“Hey there, hometown girl. Didn’t you cause a stir in the locker room today.” Chase’s voice is booming through my phone so loud I need to hold it away from my ear. I turn on speaker so I don’t have to get a sore ear. Placing it down on the table, I’m already pacing a bit with nerves, worrying about the answer to the question I’m about to ask.

“What did you do, troublemaker?” Just like I knew I would, I’m regretting blurting out my whereabouts this morning.

“Nothing much, just poked the bear a little bit and told him I was taking you out on the town to find you a fella. You know, to get some hot lovin’.” He roars with the big deep laugh he has.