Page 111 of On Cloud Nine

“Who knows?” Davis shrugs. “I can barely keep track of my wife, let alone those two.”

We laugh, but not too loud. This man is my family. Yet I don’t feel any closer to him than I did to the private equity manager.

“This is Matthew Hudson.” I present my man with a swell of pride. My feet rise and fall in my Maysale suede buckle mules.

“Ah, I’ve heard your name through the grapevine.” Davis shakes his hand, looks toward me, and lowers his voice. “Your mother’s not a fan of this one.”

“Mom’s not really a fan of anyone,” I say plainly, making him laugh.

“It would be polite of me to disagree, but, given the whole situation, I’m on your side. Your father didn’t tell me that the Gold Coast expansion was riding on your marriage. I was under the impression the Bradbury’s wanted to invest without there being a wedding involved.”

The statement hits me like an unexpected blow. Why would my parents initiate the expansion without telling Davis about my arranged marriage?

Davis is my father’s brother and his business partner. Shouldn’t you be able to rely on and trust the people you work with every day? “I—uh, I had no idea.” I stumble through my response.

“Well, that’s just how it goes sometimes. Perhaps he was too excited by the opportunity of what this deal could mean for both of us. Still, that didn’t give him the right to start the expansion project without me,” Davis explains. Why is this expansion so important to my parents that they would trample over Davis and me? I would never hurt someone to get what I want. “We’re scrambling to secure funding.” He shakes his head with disappointment. “There’s no reason you should’ve been caught in the cross fire, but I’m not helping Ray get out of this one.”

“One of my brothers is exactly like that, quick on the draw.” Matthew joins the conversation. He straightens his back and flashes me a knowing glance.He’s got this.

Davis nods.“See, this one knows what I’m talking about.”

“It’s always hard with family,” Matthew says. “Yet, if I’m being honest, it’s even harder for me to remind myself that if it hadn’t been for Mac’s go-getting, I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to launch my own company.”

Davis’s stiff posture eases slightly, and he tilts his head toward Matthew. “That’s right, Plastech? A buddy of mine, Carl Williams…do you know him? He’s at Lemon Venture Capital. They were looking at your tech before the ORO acquisition.”

“Of course. We met with them shortly before the Ellington grant.”

Alright, it looks like my man has this one covered.Time for me to make the rounds. Someone in this crowd must have a caterer or entertainment connection I can tap for the Winter Ball.

That was our plan: attack and conquer.

I give Matthew’s bicep a quick squeeze. “I’ll be back.” He shoots me a wink. “It was lovely to see you, Uncle Davis.” I bid him a quick goodbye and prepare to enter the lion’s den.

* * *

The next hour flew by,and my leads for the Winter Ball remain at zero.

I forgot how tiring it is to mingle and laugh at jokes that aren’t all that funny. My mules pinch my feet.

My shapeshifting used to be so much easier. Figuring out someone’s soft points and playing into them was effortless.

If someone had children, I’d ask about their extracurriculars.

Recently married?Oh, where was your honeymoon? Antigua! That’s fabulous.

Started a new job?You know, my father must know their executive team. Let me see if I can pass on a good word or two.

Okay, but that dress is so fabulous!A custom piece? You have to tell me your contact at Versace.

Now, however,the actfeels trying. As if I’ve thrown on one of my masks, except it no longer fits right.

A shiver whisks down my skin. I take a sip of my seltzer water to calm my nerves. From the far corner of the room, I spot Matthew still speaking with my uncle. They’re both red in the face from laughing, and I’m pretty sure Davis has tears in his eyes. Tears of joy.

What on earth could they be talking about?

“There you are,” someone says. I spin on my heels, and my eyes shoot up to find Lance. “You’ve been ignoring me.” He puffs out his chest like a bulldog, posturing for lord knows what reason.

“Yes. I have been.” I turn away from him. The last thing I want is to be seen with Lance under the watchful eyes of Manhattan’s socialites.