“I’m here too,” she whispers.
I’ve always been the kind of man who follows logic and reason, trusting my gut above all else. It’s time to give my heart a chance to take the lead.
The Hastings’Athletic Charity Luncheon is at the Mandarin, overlooking Central Park. My dad gave me a tip that Uncle Davis would be a keynote speaker. It presented the perfect opportunity to try to win him over for the gala.
Tables scatter around the intimate space, each adorned with a flickering candle and an arrangement of fresh flowers. Soft strains of jazz music echo in the background as some of Manhattan’s elite mingle and chat.
I did not miss this life. I’ve been here for a half hour, but the reality still shocks me.
Since coming back to the city, I spent the past week flying through pages and pages of Zillow.com. Who knew browsing properties would be more fun than shopping for clothes?
The thrill of real estate barely compares to the way my heart hasn’t stopped doubling since Matthew and Bear moved in.
I can’t really believe that we’re exclusive. I’m on top of the world. Matthew and I aretogether. An item. All those years spent sketching his name beside mine were worth it. Maybe I do have magic?
Alright, that’s a bit juvenile. But my three-year crush is now living in my townhouse, waking up beside me every day. What living, breathing, human woman wouldn’t kick and giggle about it every chance she got?
Olivia and I bought every toy and accessory a cat might need. However, Bear seems to prefer the gift boxes to the actual gifts. I’m warming up to having a pet. Bear’s constant love and attention have me gushing over more than one man in my life.
“…we are addressing the devastation caused by wildfires,” Matthew says from beside me. My schedule at ORO this week was hectic, but he’s had plenty of time to focus on EcoDrones.“My drone technology will reseed damaged lands with vegetation that’s local to its operating region. Pine and aspen forests in Alberta; koa and ironwood trees in Maui.”
He’s in his element. Eyes blazing with enthusiasm. A charming smile. The handsome lines in his face are creased with an achingly magnetic focus.
Ugh. Simply irresistible.
Sam Kaitlin, a flashy private equity executive, leans in, handing over their business card. Their buzz-cut hair and prim, well-tailored suit shine beneath the radiant lights above us. “You had me at vegetation, Hudson.”
They share one final laugh before I watch Sam disappear into the crowd.
“That was impressive.” I give Matthew’s shoulder a nudge, delight swelling in my chest. “I now understand the hype around having arm candy.”
“Is that all I am to you?” he teases. “I’m more than just a pretty face, you know.”
“Oh, I’m sure of it.” I snake my hand up his arm. “All this brilliance and brawn, just for me.”
“Don’t flatter me too much.” He playfully raises a brow at me. “Besides, you’ve seen me work before.”
“I know, but nothing like this.”
I reach over to fix the knot of his tie. Matthew shyly looks down at me. My heart sings. “Glad I’m not too rusty. I haven’t pitched in three years. But I wouldn’t be able to do it without you being here. Honestly, it’s all you. You really make people come to life.”
“I only let them see what they want to see.” I wink.
“Well, I’ve never been more thankful that I get to see all of you.”
My cheeks heat a degree. I glance around the thirty-fifth floor of the Mandarin, feeling mischievous all of a sudden. “You know—”
“Molly?” A familiar voice pulls my attention away from Matthew’s intrigued eyes.
I turn to find my uncle standing right behind us. “Hi, Uncle,” I say and flash him a little wave. We’re not huggers in our family. We can’t risk wrinkling each other’s wardrobes for the sake of affection.
“Haven’t spoken to you in ages.” Davis loops around us. He’s a carbon copy of my father—same wiry glasses, same stone expression. But my uncle always had a bit of softness to him. Maybe being the oldest sibling gives you a certainje ne sais quoithat makes you tenderhearted. “Have you talked to Dave and Larson yet?”
I didn’t realize my cousins were here. “No, where are they?”