
“And, um, w–we need rules,” I stammer. “A plan. Very clear lines to prevent things from getting complicated.”

Nico walks over to my desk. “Of course, anything you want.”

“What are you doing?”

“If we’re taking this seriously, then this seems like the kind of thing that’s going to need a contract. What better use for your emotional-support journal?” He holds up my leather book and a pen.

“No!” I go to grab it, but his arm shoots out of reach. “Definitely not what the journal is meant for.”

“I’ll get you another one if you want, but right now, we’re using it to jot down all those rules you need so much.”

“We,” I correct him. “All the rulesweneed.”

“Right.” He plops down in the desk chair, cracking open the spine of my journal. His pointer finger runs down the center of the page. The act is violently erotic. I stow away the idea for a sultry librarian novella. “Do you want to be the one to write?”


“The rules.” He squints.

“Fine.” I pull the journal from his hand. “Rule number one: no sleeping together. If you’re in my bed, it better be because we’re entertaining each other. Otherwise, you sleep in your own room.”

Nico beams. “Okay.” He leans over, puckering his lips for an expectant kiss. I extend out my palm, connect it with his forehead, and push him away.

“Rule number two: no PDA. No casual kissing, hand-holding, cuddling, or touching. None of it.” The ink bleeds onto the paper as I scribble down each rule.

“What? Awful rule.” He attempts to snatch the pen from me, but I pivot away. “Give it here. You’re terrible at this.”

“Hooking up is hooking up, but the other stuff makes it too easy to fall into a domestic routine. Affectionate touches here, longing stares there, and before you know it, all the benefits become liabilities.”

“Fine.” He rolls his eyes. “I want my own rule.”

Finally.“The more, the better.”

Nico looks at me pointedly. His tongue rolls between his white teeth. “No other people.”

“I guess you’re ready to admit that you were jealous last night.”

His smirk returns. “I don’t get jealous. I simply don’t like to share.”

“So, no threesomes?”

“No threesomes.”

“Really?” I eye him scrupulously. “Not even with Susana?”

“Only want you.”

I laugh off his severe tone and write down the rule. “Wow. I’m impressed you can commit to one woman for a few weeks. Remind me to give you a gold medal.” When I look back up to meet Nico’s eyes, he doesn’t appear mildly amused. “I didn’t mean for that to come off harsh, but I’m not naive to the reality of the world we live in. Men don’t commit. Even when they do, their desire for monogamy slowly fades.”

A familiar voice worms its way into my head again.Just you, Little Lily.

“I’m not like anyone you’ve been with,” Nico states.

“Yeah, sure.” I roll my eyes. Until I see it, I’ll simply wait for Nico to prove me right.

“No other people.” His voice drops to an uncompromising tone.