My cheeks heat. “Look, we did the one thing we said we shouldn’t. It was fun, you were very respectful, and I promise, if anyone asks, I’ll tell them you live up to what you say.”
“What are you talking about? I don’t need a booty-call reference.”
“I’m leaving soon, and if we stop right now, there’s a chance that by the time the holidays roll around, we won’t want to tear each other’s clothes off.”
It can’t go further. It wouldn’t be as simple as other flings.
There’s history here. Close friendships and family are at stake.
Argh.This entire thing is so messy now. Why did I let my wretched sex drive call the shots?
“You know as well as I do that before we hooked up, I wanted to tear those little black dresses you wear off your body. Whether I should or shouldn’t have.”
I shake my head as I try to ignore him. “And, of course, I’m happy to return the favor—just once, because it’s only fair, but otherwise—”
“I didn’t taste almost every gorgeous inch of your body so you can rub one out for me, Lily. What the fuck?” His mouth hangs open, stuck somewhere between concern and shock.
“I’m not trying to make it sound like some kind of obligation.” Quite the opposite—I’d be more than happy to even out the playing field and become more acquainted with what he’s packing down there. I mean, just the one time…so it’s fair.
“I don’t want you touching me unless you want to. This isn’t some twisted orgasm-for-an-orgasm situation. I would gladly repeat last night for the rest of the trip without anything in return.”
This time,myjaw cracks open.
Did I wake up in an alternate reality?
Men have always wanted something in return.
Nico towers over the bed. “I’ll leave right now if you’re not interested in hearing me out, but we can both agree last night was fucking hot. At least, it was the hottest thing I’ve seen and done in a long, long time, and I think we should do it again. Let’s just get it out of our systems.”
The darn heat creeps up my cheeks again.
For some reason, whether it’s the lack of sleep, the sanity-draining orgasms, or the fact I’m entirely out of my element, I consider his proposal.
- Great sex (maybe some of the best sex I’ll ever have).
- Inspiration for novellas (not necessary, but always a good thing to have).
- It’s Nico (no introduction period).
- Best sex I’ll ever have (very dangerous; being dick-whipped is not an option).
- It’s Nico (self-explanatory).
I desperately search for what my gut is telling me, but the only thing she’s reporting isfuck this man now, bitch.
Ugh.I should’ve listened to Molly’s lecture on gut health.
I inhale a deep breath. “Fine, we can try it out. I was tested back in May and I’m clean.”
I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.
“Me too. All clear since I saw you at the bar after my tux fitting, and there hasn’t been anyone since then.” He smiles wide and scoots closer to me on the bed.
“We cannot tell Luca and Avery.Ever.” This isn’t the first big secret I’ve kept from my best friend, but it’s impossible to ignore the bullet of guilt aimed at my chest.