“As a matter of fact, yes,” I said, waiting for her squeal of terror.

Instead, I got a giddy squeal of excitement. She actually pushed back her chair and jumped up, clapping her hands together. “I’ll go change. I’m pretty sure you can’t skydive in a dress.”

She raced out of the kitchen, squeezing my shoulder as she passed me. It was a little bit heartwarming to see, like she didn’t get to do much of what she really wanted her entire life, despite growing up so ridiculously wealthy. It actually made my heart feel a bit warm, melting away my trepidation about jumping out of a damn plane.

Once we were both dressed in casual shorts and t-shirts, we headed out to the airfield, which was about forty minutes away and in the middle of nowhere. I pulled into the parking lot outside the office and turned to her.

“What kind of person wants to jump out of a plane?” I asked incredulously. “Is this a Bratva thing? Tell me if you have a death wish, Karine.”

She thought I was joking and laughed, squeezing my hand. “It’s going to be so much fun. I can’t wait. Don’t tell me you’re scared.”

I shook my head at her. “Not even a little bit.”

That made her laugh more, and her excitement was infectious. Not to the point I was looking forward to the dive, but I was able to follow her skipping steps into the office. Thankfully there was a bunch of intense training required for solo dives, so at least we were going to be attached to trained professionals who wouldn’t freeze up when it came time to pull the cord on the parachute. Hopefully, anyway.

Karine was completely at ease during the training session, cracking jokes while I struggled to pay attention. Once we were loaded into our gear and in the plane, she gripped my hand the whole way up to our final altitude, but not out of fear. She was exhilarated. The happiest I’d seen her since we met.

When the instructor slid open the door, she grabbed my face and gave me a kiss. “Thank you,” she breathed. “This is a big item on my bucket list and you’re letting me tick it off.”

The next thing I knew, she was attached to her pro and flying through the air. My heart nearly stopped, horror taking over at imagining her dashed to a mere stain on the earth far below. All I needed was to have to explain to Feliks how I got his daughter killed only three days into our marriage. At least that was what I was telling myself the fear was.

My guy asked me if I was ready, which of course I wasn’t, but a primal urge to go after Karine, who was getting smaller and further away by the second, took over.

“Yep,” I said, closing my eyes and grinding my teeth together to keep from screaming as we hurtled out the door.

Holy shit. What a rush. The fear was intense but only lasted a second, and then it was pure adrenaline. There was nothing like it. I barely had time to notice anything, but I was whooping with joy by the time we landed. We somehow made it to the ground a few seconds before Karine and she and her tandem guy landed with perfect grace a few yards away from us.

I was barely out of my harness by the time she scrambled over and flung herself into my waiting arms.

“Did you love it as much as I did?” I asked, kissing her all over her radiant face.

Happy tears rolled down her wind burned cheeks. “So you did love it?”

I picked her up and twirled her around, still feeling like I was in the air. “Thank you,” I told her. “I didn’t even know that should be on my bucket list.”

We fell in a heap, kissing and laughing, neither of us caring if our tandem jumpers were still around. She finally pulled away, on top of me, and rested her elbows on my chest. Her eyes twinkled.

“It’s your turn to pick what we do next,” she said.

I wrapped my fingers around her lush ass and pulled her close so she could feel exactly what I wanted to do. With a blush, she jumped up, pulling me to my feet and to the car. It was a good thing we had to pay in advance, and at some point, our gear had been taken off the field. We’d been making out like teenagers, but maybe that was an expected aftereffect of skydiving and the pros were used to it.

Karine pulled me into the back of the car, tangling herself up on top of me as soon as the door was closed behind us. Her lips crashed clumsily against mine as she tugged my t-shirt up to mash her hands against my chest. I loved every second of her innocent exploring, and my cock was raring to go, pushing hard against my shorts. I was finally about to get my honeymoon, not really caring where it was at anymore.

I pushed her top up, sliding my thumbs under the edges of her bra to feel the soft skin underneath. Her nipples puckered at my touch, and she writhed against me. After a few moments of heavy breathing, she pulled away, her face tortured.

“I want this so much, but…” She swallowed hard. “You know I’ve never…”

I nodded, lowering my hands to grip her hips and move her away. “You’re not having your first time in a car,” I reminded both of us.

Chapter 10 - Karine

I wished I had never reminded him and wanted to snatch back my words. This was exactly why we stopped last night, and look what happened then? Anything could go wrong in the time it took to get home.

I shook my head desperately. “I don’t want you to stop. I just wanted you to—so you wouldn’t be disappointed.” I stopped, my cheeks flaming.

Roman’s look was dumbfounded. “How the hell could I be disappointed. Get in the front.”

As I climbed over, he jumped out and got in the driver’s seat, turning on the engine as soon as my seatbelt clicked.