“It’s too far to go back home,” I whined, not caring how I sounded. I burned for him, ached with desire. I wanted this more than anything on my bucket list.

“We’re not going home,” he said, scanning the road leading into the small town on the outskirts of the private airfield. “There we go.”

He pulled into a touristy turquoise and gray motel with a curving neon sign that was on even in the daytime. It had a flock of plastic flamingos outside the office and Roman nearly mowed them down as he ran in to get us a room. He unlocked the door and nudged me inside, giving me a kiss that had me collapsing against him. I tried to pull him inside, confused why we were standing in the doorway when the bed was only a few feet away, screaming for us to get on it.

“I’ll be right back,” he said, turning and jogging through the parking lot to the convenience store across the street.

Frowning, I slammed myself inside and wriggled out of my clothes. Since I’d only expected to go skydiving, I frowned some more at my reflection in the mirror. My everyday undies weren’t exactly sexy, but I could at least brush out my hair that was tangled from the exhilarating trip through the air. The trip that Roman had made happen.

Things were really looking up, and I didn’t expect I’d be spending any more lonely, angry nights in the guest room. It only took a few minutes for Roman to return, and he tossed a box of condoms on the bed before sweeping me into his arms with a hungry look. I pulled away, glancing at the box, not sure why I felt so disappointed. Didn’t he want to have children with me? I guess I had assumed we’d get started on that right away, but it seemed like he wanted to wait.

“God, you’re so gorgeous,” he said, not noticing where my gaze was directed. His was roaming up and down my body as he gripped my waist. “Your body is so freaking beautiful.”

His mouth claimed mine, with his tongue pushing between my lips, I completely forgot everything except the sensation of his hands running up and down my sides. Was it only half an hour or so ago that I thought flying through the air while plummeting toward the earth was the single best feeling in the world?

Not anymore. His fingers were like magic and he soon had my sports bra up over my breasts, teasing my nipples to tight peaks.

“I wish I had something sexier on,” I said when he pulled away long enough to help me get it over my head.

“No way,” he said. “You couldn’t be sexier than you are right now.”

I smiled, melting against him, not caring if he meant the words or not. When he jerked me close and I felt the stiff rod press against my belly, it seemed like he meant them and I smiled wider against his mouth.

“Enjoying yourself?” he asked.

“Very much,” I told him shyly.

He laughed an almost sinister laugh as he grabbed me behind my knees and lifted me. “Then wait until you see what’s next, little girl.”

I didn’t bristle at him calling me that. In fact, it raised even more goosebumps than when he dropped me onto the bed and began kissing my breasts. His mouth traveled down my stomach and my hands found their way to his hair. I ran my fingers back and forth across the almost military-short strands, savoring everything. It was almost too much.

I breathed in deeply, my lungs filling with the slightly damp motel room air, the whir of the air conditioning working overtime to cool the place. A block of ice couldn’t have cooled me down, especially when he got to my panties and nipped at the waistband.

One hand slid up my thigh, spreading my legs apart as he eased the white cotton fabric down. He made a low growling noise and looked up at me.

“You taste like honey,” he said. “I need to lick your pussy, little girl. Don’t be scared.”

I thrashed my head back and forth on the pillow. “I’m not. I need it.”

His chuckle vibrated between my thighs and with another feral noise, he gripped the sides of my panties and tore them in two, tossing the pieces aside. Before I could gasp, he plunged his face against my wet heat and lapped me like I was a dripping ice cream cone in July. Fast and desperate as if he didn’t want to lose a drop.

I clenched my fists into the covers and raised my hips. “Oh my God, Roman,” I moaned. I was lost. He had told me I was his several times, but now I knew it was true. He owned me. I truly belonged to him as long as he never stopped doing that.

His furious movements slowed and when he circled my swollen nub with the flat of his tongue I cried out, then clapped my hand over my mouth. He reached up to pull my hand away.

“No, make all the noise you want. I want to hear how good this makes you feel.”

“It feels really good,” I said, my legs shaking as I struggled to raise my hips again.

He grabbed them and held them tight against the bed, moving his tongue in ways that made me dizzy despite lying down. I was quaking when he stopped abruptly and looked up at me with wild eyes.

“Tell me I’m the only man to ever eat this sweet pussy of yours,” he said, digging his fingers into my hips.

“Yes,” I said. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop now.”

His eyes searched my face, and a slow smile curled his lips. “I think I’m ready to make you come now, little girl.”

“Yes, please,” I said.