Chapter 6 - Karine

So maybe things were working out all right, after all. It seemed like Roman had fully accepted my apology, and perhaps even meant to subtly make one of his own, by bringing home that meal from my favorite restaurant.

So the first night of our marriage was a bust, but after the mostly easy conversation we had during dinner, maybe the second one would be better. Ever since he pulled me into his arms and twirled me around, I was more than ready to give it another shot. The feel of his rock-hard chest and the way he so effortlessly pulled me to and fro made me weak in the knees all over again and I couldn’t wait to get close to him on the dance floor.

Even if it was the foul Morozov’s club, I wanted to show off my new husband and have a little fun. Pretend this was a normal marriage and that we were really as in love as any newlywed. Pretend normalcy was all I had, so I was clinging to it.

While I got ready, I arranged with my father to have a few bodyguards meet us there, even though I didn’t think anything would really happen. Despite the quiet war our families were waging, it was still their place of business, open to the innocent public. Neither of us were savages. If they were offended by our appearance there, they might seek to retaliate later, but surely not with hundreds of bystanders as witnesses.

“Whose idea was it to go to that club?” my father asked.

“Roman,” I told him honestly. “He’s more than ready to prove he has what it takes.”

“But still send bodyguards.”

We both laughed. “I like teasing him,” I admitted.

“I’m glad you’re happy so far, Karine,” Papa said. “I don’t think this is a good idea, but the men will be there by the time you arrive.”

All teasing aside, I wasn’t completely convinced Roman would be able to cut it if shit really did hit the fan at Morozov’s club, and Roman didn’t deserve to get hurt because I wanted to flaunt my handsome husband under our enemies’ noses.

I chose a tight white dress that I knew would gleam under the lights and stand out from the sea of other women wearing little black numbers. The halter top showed off my shoulders and I tugged it down to reveal just a bit more cleavage, then slipped into teetering high-heeled sandals and headed downstairs.

Roman was waiting for me, looking mouth-watering in dark jeans and a black shirt that was open at the collar. His eyes bugged out when he saw me and I couldn’t hide my self satisfied smile, because yes, I’d wanted to see that appreciative look on his face.

“Are you going to punch me again if I compliment you?” he asked, making me laugh.

“I’ll allow it,” I told him.

“Then you look amazing, Karine. Sexy as hell.”

I stood on my toes, even in my heels he was still taller than me, and tipped my head back, hoping for a kiss. He obliged, but it was much too short. Then he took my hand and led me out to the waiting car. Things were going perfectly, just like I imagined a real couple in love would act.

Before the slight sadness that we weren’t really in love hit me full force, I pushed it back. There was time, and going out and having fun could only help things along. I was determined to make this night a good one.

The club was packed, with two levels of seating all around and a massive dance floor in the middle. Lights flashed and music pounded, making me eager to get out there. Roman was right, I did love to dance. It was one of the few times I could let go of my shyness and feel free.

We shimmied our way out into the crush of people. I recognized plenty of them, but there were a lot of strange women who ogled Roman at every turn. They were gorgeous and much more confident than I could ever be. Probably professional models, or wealthy socialites. Maybe even other daughters of powerful men who might be able to offer Roman more than my father could.

Before I could slink off the dance floor, Roman pulled me close. “Show me your moves, Karine,” he said near my ear so I could hear him over the pumping bass.

He stayed glued to me, his eyes never wavering from my face or body as we danced. Maybe he was telling the truth that he’d been attracted to me from the first time he saw me. Maybe he’d be with me even without the clout that came from marrying into such a powerful family.

A busty redhead tried to pull him away and he gave her a slow once over, grinning at her as she yanked his arm with her long-taloned fingers. I’d never wanted to punch someone more in my life. How had marriage turned me into such a violent beast? What was worse, I didn’t know who I should be aiming at. The woman, who was just shooting her shot with a hot guy, or Roman, my husband, who was still ogling her.

I glanced to the side, where our bodyguards were hovering just off the dance floor. Demian had been one of the guys my father sent over, which had irritated me at the time but I’d quickly forgotten when Roman and I started grinding to the music. Now he was honed in on me, on my embarrassment at having Roman so obviously enjoying this other woman’s attention.

And then Roman shook his head at her and turned back to me. Should I say something? Make a scene and stomp off? Pout? I was so woefully ignorant about relationships. I’d gone on a handful of dates in high school where my bodyguard had always been all too obviously a chaperone. I’d barely gotten a chaste kiss at senior prom. I was in a holding pattern, wanting a social life but knowing I could never dare to have a relationship that my father didn’t sanction and approve.

I stopped thinking when Roman pulled me back into his arms. As if by magic, a slow, sultry R&B song came on and half the people left the dance floor to get drinks, while the true couples wrapped themselves around each other.

I was part of one of those couples and liked it very much. Everything was forgiven and forgotten as Roman’s hands moved sinuously down my back to cup my behind and grind my body against his. I gasped to feel the evidence of how much he wanted me and heard him chuckle. His breath on my ear gave me goosebumps despite the heat radiating off of him.

I tipped my head back and he lowered his to hear what I wanted to say. I threw off my mantle of shyness, determined to get what I wanted. A happy marriage. And a heated kiss from Roman.

“Maybe tonight will be—”

Before I could finish, a big hand clapped onto his shoulder and dragged him back, away from me. The enormous blond guy whirled him around, snarling. The remaining couples shrank back as the man held up his fist to Roman, getting right up in his face and growling something I couldn’t hear. I didn’t need to hear it to know it was something menacing. My first instinct was to throw myself at the blond giant, that sudden urge to fight for what was mine taking over again.