But Demian dragged me away before I could do anything. “That’s Ivan Morozov,” he hissed, holding on tight as he pulled me further away.

“Help him,” I shouted, terrified my non-Bratva husband was about to get smashed into the dance floor.

“You’re our first priority,” Demian said.

I elbowed him in the ribs, unable to tear my eyes from the violent scene that was about to unfold. To my surprise, Roman reared back his arm and decked Ivan, knocking him to the scuffed dance floor. Roman was on him in an instant now that he had the upper hand, but there were sure to be Morozov’s men who were going to intervene at any second.

Demian hauled me toward the exit, motioning for the other bodyguard on duty to go help Roman. I struggled against him to keep my eyes on Roman, but I couldn’t see past the crowd that converged around the fight, hungry for bloodshed. Was I really about to become a widow?

Chapter 7 - Roman

Once we’d been dancing for about half an hour, I had relaxed enough to think nothing was going to happen. After all, this was my cousin’s place of business and we were surrounded by other people, most of whom were probably tourists and had nothing to do with organized crime.

Karine had really lightened up and her moves were driving me wild, especially in her painted on white dress that showed off her slight tan and accentuated every one of her perfect curves. The more we danced and laughed, the more fun I had, and I almost forgot my need to prove myself and bring down the Drygas. We were just two lovebirds on our honeymoon.

A hot redhead pulled me away, shaking her ass as she grabbed my arm, a big smile on her face. For a split second, I forgot I was married and danced in her direction. A lifetime habit was hard to break, after all. As soon as I noticed Karine glaring at me, I snapped back to reality. No more flirting, at least until my objective was achieved. And it wasn’t like my wife wasn’t one of, if not the most gorgeous woman in the place, anyway.

The music switched to a slower song as I dismissed the redhead, and I pulled Karine close, enjoying the feel of her against me. She seemed to get over her anger, sliding her hands up my chest to wrap around my neck as we swayed to the music. Her body felt just right as I moved to grip her ass and pull her even closer to me. A sheet of paper wouldn’t have fit between us and she had to feel my hard-on pulsing against her belly.

She tipped back her head, a lazy smile curling her full lips. Her eyes fluttered shut as those tempting lips parted. She started to say something and I leaned down to hear her. The music was so loud that our faces were practically touching and I still barely made out what she sighed against my cheek. Was it an invitation? I didn’t want to miss it if it was. I definitely wanted whatever she was offering.

I was either going to ask her to repeat it or kiss her when someone jerked me by the shoulder and swung me away from her. I barely heard her shriek before a massive guy got right up in my face, his fist raised and his arm coiled and ready to strike. I was a big guy who hit the gym regularly, but this dude was a mountain. A mountain with an ax to grind with me. I tensed for the hit, clenching my own fist, ready to react.

“I’m your cousin Ivan,” he growled through a sneer that would have been terrifying to anyone witnessing it. “Hit me.”

Shocked, sure I must have heard wrong with the music still blaring and the spotlights bouncing all across the dance floor, I just stared at him and his wavering fist, only inches from my face.

“Make it a good one,” he urged.

Evelina must have called him and filled him in on the plot, and now he was trying to help me put on a show. I gave him an apologetic look as I snapped to and reared back, leveling him with a hard crack to the chin. He went down like a bag of rocks as a couple of men swarmed us—clearly bodyguards, but who knew for which side. I looked down to see Ivan grinning as blood trickled from his lip and he laughed as he swept my legs out from under me with his foot.

Jesus, these crazy Bratva loved violence.

I landed on him with bone crushing weight and he made a good show of clipping me in the side of the head. My ear rang but it barely hurt and I heard my cousin encouraging me to get in another shot. What a way to be introduced to a family member I never knew I had.

I slammed my fist into his gut, aiming for the side where it wouldn’t do much damage and by then one of his men yanked me up by my elbows. Ivan jumped up and grabbed one of the men Feliks had arranged to meet Karine and me at the club by the back of his neck while twisting his arm behind his back. Since the guard who had me knew the drill, his grip was firm but not painful and I only put up a mild fight for show. The Dryga guard was thrashing with fury, but no match for Ivan the mountain and we were both hauled to the exit and tossed into the parking lot.

Karine stood near our car with that annoying bodyguard who clearly had a crush on her, holding her back from running to me as I landed and skidded on the asphalt.

“Don’t fucking come back here,” Ivan shouted. “I don’t know who you are, but you’re associating with Dryga shit and not welcome at my establishment.”

He stepped back slowly, clearly waiting for me to add to the performance. I jumped up and lunged for him, his bodyguard smacking his hand into my chest to keep me from getting too close while Ivan kept backing toward the club.

“You better watch your back, Morozov,” I shouted, exhilarated by the fight, even though it was all fake. My knuckles were scraped but my blood was singing. Maybe I was really born for this, after all. “You’re not going to be the top dog in Miami much longer, and you better shut your fucking mouth. Don’t you say another word about my wife’s family.”

Looking back at Karine, I could see she looked utterly terrified, but it was filled with pride.

Ivan only laughed as he and his men crowded back inside. I turned and glared at Demian until he let go of Karine’s arm and she rushed at me, looking for signs of damage on my face.

“That one’s from you, baby,” I muttered with a grin when she frowned at the bruise on my jaw. “Those assholes couldn’t get a hit in.”

I waved for the guards to get in their own cars, telling them we were heading home and didn’t need their services anymore. Once inside our car, Karine threw her arms around me, shuddering with relief. She quickly pulled back, seeming embarrassed.

“You didn’t think I could handle myself, did you?” I joked, still buzzing with adrenaline.

“I have to admit I’m impressed,” she said, a huge smile lighting up her face.

God, she was pretty, especially when she acted like she gave a damn about what happened to me. Maybe she wasn’t so icy, but just shy? The kind of person who needed time to warm up. I smiled back at her and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, sliding my fingers into her hair as she leaned across the center console. She laughed with relief and I joined in. Was this still the rush of the fight or was I enjoying her company?