Page 46 of Broken

“Yes, silly boy.” I fumble for my keys hooked to my wristlet. It feels like hours later when I find the one I need and slide it into the lock. “Seriously. No talking or laughing.” I try to give him a stern look, but it’s a complete failure, and we both cackle and snort.

Holden closes his eyes and lets out a breath as I place my hand on the doorknob. “Okay, I’ve got this. No more laughing.”

I open the door, which leads right into the living room. It’s a large space, with an eat-in kitchen off it and then a hallway where there’s three bedrooms and one bathroom we share. Most of the apartments in this building are set up the same way, some with more or less bedrooms.

It’s dark and quiet, and I’m pretty sure both of my roommates are probably asleep, considering it's after three in the morning. Either way, the last thing I want to do is wake up Everleigh. Shehatesbeing woken up, and believe me, I’ve learned the hard way.

Holden follows me to my room, and somehow we make it without falling or walking into something, but as soon as I close my door, we’re both in hysterics again.

“Damn, that was hard holding in my laugh. It felt like the longest walk of my life.” Holden sits on my bed and falls backward onto my pillows.

“No sleeping yet! We haven’t watched the movie!” I say as I lift my hoodie up over my head and toss it on the floor.

Holden groans and throws his arm over his eyes. “But sleep sounds so good.”

“You came here to watch a movie. Not sleep.”

He moves his arm, lifts his head, and looks at me. “Or…” He wiggles his eyebrows.

I shake my head but can’t stop the grin. “And I thoughtIwas the insatiable one.”

“I don’t know, Len. I think you’ve put a spell on me.”

“Oh, really? A spell, huh?” I ask as I grab some pj’s from my drawer and quickly change.

Holden’s eyes don’t leave my body, and I swear, if I wasn’t undressing myself, his piercing baby blues would be doing it for me. He slides off his sneakers and swings his legs fully onto the bed.

“Do you mind if I take off my jeans?”

“Not one bit. Take it all off for me, baby,” I say with a wink as I slide on my pj shorts and oversized T-shirt.

He laughs as he stands up and unbuttons his jeans. The sound of the button unsnapping twists my insides and my core clenches. As they fall into a pile at his feet, my eyes drag back up to his tight boxer briefs, the very ones that cup his ass perfectly.

“Like what you see?”

His question startles me, and I clamp my mouth shut. I didn’t even realize it was hanging open and I was licking my lips.Jeez, Len, get ahold of your damn horny self.

“You know I do.”

He slides under my covers and between my sheets. Usually, I don’t let guys rub all over my bed, keeping things strictly on top of my comforter, but Holden…he’s different.

I want his smell all over my bed so I can still smell him when he’s not here.

The thought is terrifying, and I push it down and away, like it never even existed.

I climb in next to him and cuddle up against his side. I grab my laptop from my nightstand and place it on our laps.

“I still can’t believe you’ve never seen10 Things I Hate About You.What planet have you been living on?”

“Says the girl who's never seenThe Matrixmovies.”

“Why watch movies about a future world that’ll probably never exist?”

“Because it’s so cool, that’s why.”

I chuckle as I navigate on my laptop and open the movie to stream. “Your dorkiness is showing.”

“You mean the dorkiness you find so sexy?” He tickles my side, and I almost lose grip of my computer.