Page 45 of Broken

I cough and choke while Lennox cheers me on. “Hit it again. You won’t cough as much, I promise.”

She’s right. I take another hit and hold it in longer this time, only coughing a little.

We pass the joint around the circle, taking hits every time it comes back around to us. I’ve never smoked before, but I try to play it cool like I do this all the time.

Soon, everything is fucking hilarious. The way Len’s lips move or the way the fire crackles and sparks into the air. It doesn’t matter what, we laugh at it all.

When I finally stop laughing, I look at Lennox and admire the way the light from the bonfire bounces off her red hair. The orange and red hues blend and reflect in the emerald green of her eyes.God damn, she’s breathtaking.

I can’t tear my gaze away from her. My cheeks hurt from the permanent smile etched across my face, and suddenly, I don’t want to be at this party anymore. I want it to just be me and her.


The urge to steal her away from here is strong, to leave town and rent a room, lost in our own private oasis, but I’m in no condition to drive. Instead, I take her by the hand and lead her away from the music and chatter, away from the people and noise, and back onto campus.

“Holden! Where are we going?” Len whines and giggles at the same time.

“Somewhere we can be alone.” I walk in the direction of where I always park my truck in the apartment building parking lot, in the last row, away from all of the other cars. The area is a lot bigger than necessary with ample space, and sure enough, my truck sits by itself in the corner, taking up the very last spot next to where the pavement ends and a grassy area begins before meeting with the main road. It’s also dark, a major complaint of most of the tenants. There’s talk of more lights being installed, but I’m taking advantage of the darkness for now. And my little firecracker.

“Isn’t this your truck?”

I nod and let go of her hand as we get closer. “Winner winner chicken dinner.”

She bursts out laughing. “Who the hell says that?”

I unlock the doors and open the passenger one. It’s an older model truck, the only thing I could afford myself, and the front seat is one long bench seat with no middle console. It’s high up with a step on the side, but I don’t give Lennox the chance to climb in. My hands grip her waist and lift her onto the seat, pushing her back toward the middle. I hop in and close the door behind me, then hit the lock switch.

Len gasps and lets out a tiny giggle. “You’ve locked me inside. Whatever shall we do?”

“Oh, I think you know what I want you to do…” I say as I crawl up her body, planting kisses as I go.

When I reach her face, I kiss her lips and lean back. “Are you ready for a night of explosions, my little firecracker?”

She snort laughs, but I notice the redness appearing on her cheeks. “Don’t go getting all corny on me now.”

I kiss the tip of her nose. “Just shut up and kiss me, Len.”

And she does. All night long.



“Shh, everyone is sleeping.”I go to put a finger over Holden’s lips, but I miss and hit his cheek. We both burst into a fit of giggles.

We’re standing outside my apartment door, having just come in from some fun in Holden’s truck, and I didn’t want the night to end yet, so I invited him over to watch a movie.

I lean against the wall for support with one hand while bent in half and clutching my stomach, unable to control my hysterical laughter. Next thing I know, I tumble to the ground and grab Holden’s arm on the way down, taking him with me.

“Shh! Shh!” I slur the sound, and it echoes in the hallway. Holden laughs harder.

So much for being quiet.

Holden stands up first and brushes his jeans off, swaying back and forth the whole time. I watch him in awe because I know I definitely won’t be as graceful. Not with the way everything in my vision spins.

Holden’s hand floats in front of me, and it takes me a second to realize he’s offering it to me. I take it and when he pulls me up, I almost fall on my ass a second time. He stumbles back but manages to catch his balance and helps me catch mine.

“Shit. Are we ever gonna make it into your damn apartment?”