Holy mother of—that thing is…
Zac calmly rubs the sleep out of his eyes. “What’s the end of that sentence?”
“The end ofwhatsentence?” My voice is so high-pitched, dogs in the next state over can surely hear me.
“You just saidholy mother of, that thing is…”
My cheeks have become the surface of the sun. “I did not. I did not say that.”
“You did. Clover—”
“Don’t call me that! It’s supposed to be sweet and wholesome. Don’t call me that with your—”
He turns to look at me. Lifts an eyebrow. “With my hard cock sticking out between us?”
“Don’tsay cock.”
He’s smirking now. The absoluteaudacityto give me that kind of a smirk with his hard cock sticking out between us.
Zac lies there completely unperturbed. Dark hair a disheveled mess on the pillow we’ve been sharing, shirt bunched-up around his waist and exposing several inches of perfect, tanned abs, before he tugs back in place. He looks so at ease with the entire thing. Not a shred of embarrassment over the way his cock tents the front of his sweats—the fuckingsizeof that tent—
An unacceptable pulsing starts between my legs, so bad I press my thighs together. Zac catches the movement.
“Don’t,” I say. “Don’t say it. You didn’t see anything.”
“Forget the squirming,” he says. His smirk grows an inch. “You’re looking at me like you’re ready to hop on. Why do you think that is?”
“You—” I struggle for the right words. “You’re hitting on me. You realize that, right?”
“I’ve been hitting on you all weekend. Thanks for finally noticing.”
“I—you—why are you hitting on me?” I sputter. “Zac,why are you still hard?” I reach for the sleeping bag we’ve been using and throw it over his waist.
“I’m hitting on you because I’m attracted to you,” he articulates carefully, as though trying to make me understand. “And I’m still hard because it appears my body has finally decided to give up all pretense when it comes to you.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you get anywhere near me; I get hard.” He props himself up on an elbow. “I’ll admit you weren’t supposed to see it, but I didn’t manage to leave the bed before you woke up this time.”
I flush. Is that what he was doing in the lake before I showed up yesterday? Taking care of a hard-on?
Try to unclench my thighs, but the beating is so damn uncomfortable my legs snap shut again. “It’s not about you,” I quickly explain when he watches me do it. “I haven’t had sex since Connor.”
Zac’s eyes turn to slits. “I’m gonna need you to refrain from mentioning that piece of shit any time we’re in bed together. Talk about a boner killer.”
Out of sheer, morbid curiosity, I lift the sleeping bag off his lap.
Nope. Still there.
I throw the cover back in place, taking a long, bracing breath. “You can’t possibly think you have a chance with me, do you?”
“Are you telling me I don’t?”
It seems to be an honest question. Zac looks at me like it is, anyway, and it stumps the hell out of me.
This whole weekend has. The flirting, the hitting on me.
You get anywhere near me; I get hard.