Page 40 of Only in Your Dreams

I send a wave of water splashing over the edge of the canoe, but it misses him by inches. “I’m so glad I could be your personal sideshow this weekend,” I grumble at him.

I shove the hair off my face and reach for the floating oar, launching it into the canoe. The jerk still hasn’t stopped laughing, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, and I hold out a hand toward him.

“Here, help me up.”

Zac shakes his head at my outstretched hand. “Fuck no. You have vengeance etched in every inch of that pretty face, Clover. And I know exactly how cold that water is.”


With a sickly sweet smile, I swim up to the canoe, assessing it. Its length, its weight. The probability I can manage to…

“Actually, I think the water’s warmed up. Why don’t you give it another go?”

“Melody,” Zac warns, as I get a handle on the boat. “Don’t you fucking—”

I guess all those hours in the gym with Connor really paid off. One hard shove and the canoe tips over easily, sending Zac into the water with me.

Chapter 10


Ijerk awake.

It’s bright out. Birds chirping. Lake water crashing on the shore.

There were no midnight animal encounters, but just the knowledge that there was something out there stalking us just a day ago was enough to keep me up most of the night again. For the second night in a row, I don’t think Zac slept at all. I felt him shift around at least until the sun rose.

But it’s finally Monday. Parker expects me home this morning and the second he realizes I haven’t made it, he’ll message the others. They’ll figure out they left us here, and this will all be over.

I can digest the horror that was my last relationship without the utter mindfuck of having Zac Porter sleeping next to me.

Unlike yesterday, Zac is still in bed, dead asleep with an arm and leg thrown around me as though to shield me from an incoming threat in his sleep. I’m wound against him so tight I can feel every bit of his solid body carving into mine. Every little—

Oh my God.

Every not-so-little bit of him—

I lift my chin, making sure he’s still out cold as I try to jimmy out of his grasp. When I don’t manage to slip away, I flip onto my back, which isn’t much better because it means that his arm and leg are now pressing down on my front, his cock into my thigh.

Zac hums in his sleep and somehow manages to tighten his hold. I shimmy an inch away. He tightens his arm, reels me back in.

“Quit moving,” he mumbles groggily, eyes still closed. “I just fell asleep.”

I attempt to twist out from under him anyway. “You’re using me as a body pillow.”

“No different from what you did with me last night. Return the favor. I’m comfy.”

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

He holds me closer. “No, you don’t.”

I let out a sharp sigh. “Zac, I regret to inform you that you’ve got morning wood digging into me right now—”

Zac’s eyes snap open. He dips his chin, giving me a sleepy stare. It takes a whole other second for my words to properly sink in and then—

“Oh.” He flips onto his back, settling comfortably into the air mattress.

“Oh? What kind of a reaction is that?” I shuffle to the other end of our makeshift bed. Against my express wishes, my gaze falls down his body.