Beverly turned and left to attend other tables.
“I guess you’ll just have to ask her tonight.” Evie smiled.
“I guess so,” I agreed.
On our walk back to our site, I ran into Genesis. She was just a little ways down from Charlee’s trailer finishing up a call.
“I’ll meet you back over there,” I told Evie. She continued to the Airstream.
Genesis spun to face me as I approached her.
“Hey.” She smiled.
“So, your sister is adorable. Charlee and I were placing bets on if it was your daughter or girlfriend. Didn’t even occur to us that she could be your sister.”
I laughed. “My daughter? Seems a little old for that.”
“No way. I knew a girl in middle school who had a baby.”
Genesis was definitely a people person. She knew how to hold a conversation with ease.
“Fair enough, but a girlfriend?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Come on. You can’t tell me you didn’t hook up with some younger surf groupies in your time.” She cocked a hip and gave me a look that saidtry to challenge me.
I held up my hands. “Definitely not my thing, but there were guys who never asked ages.”
“Hmmm,” she said as if trying to decide if I was telling the truth or not. “Fine, I believe you.”
“Evie was a surprise gift, as my parents referred to her. They wanted a house full of kids, but after me, they struggled with getting pregnant. And then fifteen years later, boom.” My parents doted on Evie. They were so happy to not only have been given another child, but a girl.
“Aww, that’s sweet. We’re excited for the bonfire tonight.”
I looked over to Charlee’s trailer. “We?” I asked hopefully.
Genesis followed my eyes. “Look, Charlee didn’t share all the details with me, but I’m not an idiot. She seems to really like you, but you should know to proceed with caution. She has a beautiful spirit, but it’s been broken so many times that I’m not sure what’s left these days.” She paused. “I can tell she’s barely holding on. And, if I’m being honest, I’m a little worried.”
My insides twisted uncomfortably at the admission. “What do you mean?”
She sighed. “It almost feels like she’s given up.”
And there it was. My concern for Charlee’s well-being wasn’t unwarranted.
“You don’t think she would hurt herself, do you?” My stomach was knotting up.
For the first time since I met Genesis, she looked noticeably uncomfortable. She twisted her fingers together and looked back to Charlee’s trailer. “Honestly, I don’t know. Let’s just say I’m worried enough that I’m trying not to leave her side for too long.”
“Has she mentioned what she’s doing after tomorrow? Is she staying here or leaving?”
Genesis shook her head. “I don’t know. I asked her to come live with me in Nashville. It was always our plan when we were younger and I’m divorced and would love the company, but she didn’t really say much about it. Just that she’ll think about it, but it wasn’t very convincing.”
Something was off. I missed it before, but all the pieces were starting to fall into place. My gut was telling me that Charlee wasn’t ever planning on leaving here.
“You’ll keep an eye on her?” My concern was evident in my tone.