Page 49 of Chasing Waves

Beverly laughed.

“What? I’m watching my figure.” I rubbed my stomach, and we all shared a laugh.

Evie turned to Beverly. “He must be getting old.”

“Aren’t we all, darlin’. I’ll get you some waters and get this order started.”

When Beverly walked away, Evie started in. “You’ve always hated vegetables. It’s Charlee, isn’t it? She’s already rubbing off on you. She seems way more mature than you.”

“Hey.” I tossed my napkin at her. “I take offense to that.”

She leaned over the table as if sharing a secret. “Do you know how old she is?”

I didn’t answer.

“She’s forty-one, Levi. Does that bother you at all?” Evie didn’t seem bothered by it. She just seemed to be genuinely curious.

“How do you know her age?”

“Oh, once you told me about her husband—”

“Late husband,” I corrected her.

“Late husband, I searched the internet for everything I could. She has an inactive social page with all sorts of photos, going back decades. She and Bridger looked really happy.” The energy in her voice dropped. “It’s sad what happened to him.”

I sat back in the booth. “Yeah. He was a really nice guy. Quiet and kept to himself, but when he surfed, he turned into this entirely different person. He was a beast out there. I’m fortunate I got to train under him.”

Beverly dropped off the waters and cobbler and then rushed to greet some guests at the front. It started getting busier, which seemed odd at four in the afternoon, especially because the campground wasn’t all that full this week.

In between bites, Evie asked, “Do you think she likes you back?”

“I think so.” I hadn’t shared details with my sister about my intimacy with Charlee. That would just be weird, but I did tell her we had been talking and I was attracted to her.

“When does she leave?” Evie was shoveling the cobbler down. “This is sooo good.”

I laughed. I thought about her question, which conjured an image of Charlee’s calendar. There was nothing on it. Not even a check-out date. It occurred to me that I had no idea when she planned on leaving. All I knew was she had been here a while based on what Beverly had told me.

“I never asked her, so I’m not sure when she’s leaving.”

“You should ask her tonight.”

Yeah, I should, I thought to myself.

Beverly came back with Evie’s fries and my food.

“How was the cobbler?” Beverly asked Evie.

“Amazing!” She gleamed.

“Make sure you take some home to your mom and dad.” She winked.

I stopped her as she was about to walk away.

“Hey, Beverly. Do you know when Charlee is checking out?”

She thought for a moment. “You know, I don’t think she’s ever mentioned it.”

“Okay, thanks.”