Page 45 of Memories of Me

Memories Anew

“SO, WHERE ARE you taking me?” Nichole had me pack a few things before shoving me into the car.

“You promise you won’t get mad?”

I shot my eyes over to her as she drove out of her neighborhood. “What? No way. I’m not promising anything.”

She sighed dramatically. “Brandt insisted on taking you somewhere.”

“What?” I shouted over the music and then flipped it off. “Nichole? What happened to surrounding me with serenity? Brandt is the opposite of peaceful right now.”

She shrank in her seat. “I know, but I talked to Dr. Caldwell and she thought it was a good idea since you had your first memory with him.”

“Kissing him, Nichole. I can’t just go make out with the guy so I can remember my name,” I exclaimed, sitting back in the seat and shrugging.

“Why not? You know he wouldn’t mind.” She chuckled.

I rolled my head to her and glared.

“Look, Bay, if this is what it’s going to take to get your life back, then I’m kidnapping you.”

“You aren’t the one doing the kidnapping, though. Brandt is.”

“True, but he’s so much cuter, and I imagine a way better kisser,” she teased.

“This isn’t funny.” I pouted, and when she started up the long hill to Grady’s house, my body tingled with anxiety. She was really doing this. “I’m scared,” I confessed. “What if he doesn’t want to see me?”

She scoffed. “Are you kidding me? He was begging for me to make this happen. I mean, begging, Bay. He wants to see you and I don’t think you have anything to feel guilty about. He knows what he’s signing up for and he’s not complaining.”

I mulled over what she was saying. He did know. He knew I was a wreck and, yet, he still wanted to see me.

I let out a defeated breath, closed my eyes, and steadied my nerves as she parked in the driveway next to Brandt’s car. He was leaning on the back with one leg crossed lazily over the other and adorning a warm smile.

“Why didn’t you just drop me off at his house? He lives right next door.”

She shrugged, but didn’t answer as she grabbed my bag from the back and plopped it on my lap. “Have fun.” She grinned wickedly.

“You’re terrible.” I laughed, taking my bag and sliding out. I waved as she reversed and sped down the hill, leaving Brandt and me to figure out what was next.

“Hey.” He pushed off the car and reached for my bag, popped the trunk, and tossed it in.

“Hey, yourself.” My heart felt like a fist on a punching bag and I hid my noticeably trembling hands. I refrained from twisting my hair, knowing it would only make him remember someone he had lost.

“Thanks for agreeing to coming.” He opened the passenger side door for me.

“You mean the kidnapping?” I arched a playful eyebrow.

He dipped his head and rubbed at the smile tugging on his lips. “Yes, okay. I am kind of kidnapping you, but it was doctor approved.” He pointed his finger in the space between us.

“True.” I stepped to the door, catching a fresh scent of his morning shower eliciting tingles under my ribs. Our arms brushed as I got in and my muscles tightened for just a moment, enjoying the intimacy of something so simple. Something so innocent.

He squatted in front of the door and took my fingers in his hand, caressing them slowly and retreating somewhere distant for a second before his green eyes met mine and said, “I missed you.”

And that was when I saw the dark circles and the demons floating in his irises. I wasn’t entirely sure how it was possible to feel what we did for each other in such a short time, but it felt as if I had known him my whole life.

He lifted my fingers to his lips, kissed them softly, and then placed them on my lap.

We drove in perfect silence for the first hour, with the windows down and the sounds of cars passing and the wind spinning around us. It was what I needed. Time to just process what had happened since waking up. Time to reflect.