Page 44 of Memories of Me

Well, that narrowed it down. "He sounds cute," I said to contribute to the conversation. We were getting nowhere. "What accident?"

She got very still. "There was a bad train accident last year. September, to be exact."

I wondered…"Was it in the valley? Injured hundreds and killed a few dozen?"

"Yeah, it was awful."

"Were you on it?" She nodded her head. "I'm sorry. I heard it was horrible."

"It was. I can't get the screams out of my head and all the blood. It was everywhere. Body parts…" She trailed off. "I lost my best friend and my boyfriend. Yet, I lived. It makes no sense. I should have died with everyone else. I should have died, but having to use the restroom saved my life."

She was struggling to hold back the tears, but they were too strong. She wiped them quickly, reminding me of how I tried to hide my own pain from Brandt.

"We were traveling north to a college party. It was supposed to be a fun weekend away."

Nichole's door opened, and she came out, stretching and yawning. "You girls are awake early," she said as she bypassed us for the kitchen. "I'm making coffee."

Alex dried her face. "I need to go," she called out to Nichole and stood up.

"Do you need a ride?" Nichole asked from the threshold.

"Nah, I texted my friend. She's out front. Thanks for the bed." She headed for the door, but then looked back suddenly with her eyes lit up. "Bay. He called you Bay. I think it was his nickname for you."

"Thank you." I smiled.

She returned the smile and then left.

"Houston, we have a name," Nichole celebrated.

Bay. Like a bay leaf. It was probably just a nickname, but it was a start.