“Yesss,” I hissed as his cock hit a few places that were still sore from the night before.

He lowered himself until his chest was pressed against mine, making shallow thrusts and grinding against my clit when he bottomed out. We couldn’t get any closer, and instead of feeling panicked, I felt good. Content even.

I couldn’t remember feeling like this with another man. With Silas, I was in over my head, and falling deeper with every minute I spent with him.

I should have gone back to my room. I should have run as far and as fast as I could, but I stayed, enjoying a few more minutes with him. Last night, I wasn’t sure what the morning would bring, but it wasn’t this.

I thought one of us would leave, and that would be that. I hadn’t expected him to continue the intimacy. Didn’t he see how dangerous this was? How out of control we were? One of us was bound to catch some feelings, and then it would hurt.

I couldn’t let that happen to me. I needed to shore up my emotions and strengthen my walls. Somehow, Silas managed to infiltrate everything.

“You feel so good,” he murmured, placing kisses on my collarbone before sucking one nipple into his mouth. I arched into his mouth, holding him to me. The scrape of his teeth over my hard peak sent me careening toward ecstasy.

His name tumbled out of my mouth despite my best efforts to stifle it.

“I love my name on your lips,” he said as he kissed me, thrusting harder now. It still felt good, satisfying a deep ache inside, one that longed to be filled by him.

I wanted to sayDon’t get used to it,but I couldn’t seem to form words.

“I love you like this, all soft and sweet.”

I wanted to protest, to say I’d never been soft or sweet, but I loved that someone saw me that way. I’d hardened myself over the years, first as the youngest of four siblings and then later after my first boyfriend broke up with me so callously. I vowed never to let anyone else in. I focused on my school and then later on my business.

If I could keep my focus on work, everything I’d ever wanted would be mine. Success. Wealth. Happiness.

When he thrust deep one more time, I bit my lip against the words that wanted to spill out.I like you. Being with you is the best thing I’ve ever felt.Nothing good would come from being brutally honest. It would only put me in a position I didn’t want to be in. I hated being vulnerable, and I’d already let Silas see more of me than I’d ever shown anyone else.

I’d been open and carefree once, and it had blown up in my face. I’d never let another guy in, especially not Silas Sharpe. I couldn’t forget that he wasn’t an easygoing, nice guy.

He lifted off me slightly and brushed a strand of hair off my forehead. His touch was tender, his expression a little awestruck. This was too much. My breath got caught in my throat.

“You okay?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.

“Never been better.” At least that much was true. My body was in heaven while my mind was a tangle of ever-tightening knots.

He looked like he wanted to say something more, but I breathed a sigh of relief when he shifted off the bed and held his hand out to me. “Shower with me.”

I couldn’t come up with a valid reason not to, and it wasn’t really a question.

I vaguely remember him asking last night and me telling him I wanted to keep his scent on me. My cheeks heated as I recalled that slip. I hoped he hadn’t remembered.

Who says something like that to a man? Only someone who was completely gone over one, and I would never be that girl again.

“I know you want to keep my scent on you—” he began lightly.

“You remember that?” I asked, purposely keeping my voice light as he led me into his large bathroom. I’d never been in this room before, but it was huge, almost as big as my bedroom at home with a huge walk-in closet and leather chair on the right, a tub with columns, and a rain shower along the back wall.

He turned on the various showerheads, and I wondered why he needed so many. It was a waste for one person.

“Come on. It feels good.” He pulled me to the one in the middle and angled the other showerheads so that they were aimed at us. The steady pressure felt good on my sore muscles. I’d never experienced anything like it. It felt decadent.

I stayed silent as he lathered his hands and washed me from head to toe. Emotion clogged my throat as he took his time, massaging sore muscles and even gliding gently over my core. I almost expected him to go for another round, but he kept his touches light, as if he didn’t want to spark anything.

Instead, his hands were gentle, his kisses featherlight as he covered every inch of me as if I was special, something to be cherished. It wreaked havoc on my brain. This was supposed to be a onetime thing, or a two-time thing, not a relationship.

I couldn’t ask what he was doing because I was afraid of his answer. A part of me wanted more, and that was the scariest thing of all.

When he was finished, I returned the favor, my heart beating out of my chest at the unfamiliar gesture—one I’d never performed on a man before. I wondered if this was something Silas did with other women. But I couldn’t bring myself to ask.