When we were finished with our bodies, he turned me to lather my hair. His firm touch sent tingles down my spine. I barely contained the moan that rose from my throat. When he was finished rinsing my hair, he said, “Grab one of the heated towels from the rack. I’ll be out in a minute.”

I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and lathered lotion on every inch of my body. Even the products the hotel provided were top quality. I left the room as he got out to get dressed. I hadn’t moved my overnight bag to the room, so I settled for grabbing a T-shirt and shorts from his drawer.

“I like seeing you in my clothes,” he said when he entered the bedroom in a towel knotted low on his hips.

“My things are in my room.” I’d never felt more naked than standing in his room in his too-big clothes.

“We’ll eat and then get them.”

I brushed my hair with the hairbrush he’d left on the dresser. I wondered if the hotel kept spares, or if he did. But again, I didn’t want to ask. This was just an awkward morning after. Except if I was being honest with myself, it felt nice.

“What do you normally do on Sundays?” Silas asked as he led the way into the kitchen. It was modern, with gleaming stainless-steel appliances and smooth white cupboards.

“I catch up on work while the office is quiet.” I was used to spending weekends alone. Harper spent all her time with Leo now, and I hadn’t really fostered other friendships. The women at Happily Ever Afters were more employees than friends.

Silas flashed a smile at me. “I do that on Saturdays, but Sundays are for relaxing and clearing the mind.”

I sat on the metal stool as he grabbed a pan and a carton of eggs from the fridge. “You like eggs?”

“Of course.” I’d never had a man make them for me before. But I kept that tidbit to myself.

“How do you like ‘em?”

“Any way, but I love omelets,” I said, a little surprised that I’d revealed that about myself.

Silas flashed me a bright smile. “Omelets it is.”

Who was this guy, and why had I been avoiding him for all these years? Maybe I was afraid of the inevitable fall. I didn’t want to get hurt again, but I couldn’t seem to make myself walk away. I should have made some excuse as to why I needed to go to work, but it was Sunday, and even I knew it was lame to use work as an excuse after the amazing night we’d shared.

“Surely you do more than just work,” Silas chided.

“I get up early, work out, and drink my coffee. So, it feels like a lazy morning.”

He raised a brow as he cracked the eggs into a bowl and whisked them. “You ever go to brunch with friends?”

My throat tightened, and I attempted to clear it.

“Let me grab you a water. I’ll get the coffee going in a minute.” Silas filled a glass with ice and water from the fridge and handed it to me.

The cold glass felt good against my forehead. Why did I feel feverish suddenly? Then I drank the cool liquid, almost wishing it were alcohol so I could numb myself for this conversation.

When he raised his gaze to mine, I realized he hadn’t forgotten the question. “I work the rest of the day.”

He raised a brow. “Even I’m not that hardworking.”

“What do you do?” I asked, desperate to get him off the subject of my habits.

“I’ll go out on my boat with friends or tinker around my house.”

“You’re handy?” I asked, impressed. Silas struck me as a suit type who hired out for any needs he might have.

“It doesn’t come easily to me, but I know how to watch how-to videos online. I’m a pro at that.” He flashed me a devastatingly handsome smile.

“That’s impressive.” I was hopeless at anything that needed to be fixed if it wasn’t related to marketing, business, or weddings.

He transferred the eggs to the pan and said nonchalantly, “You should come with me.”

“Go where?” I asked, watching as his muscles flexed as he moved around the kitchen, grabbing a bag of coffee beans and scooping them into the machine.