Page 12 of The Nightmare King

A finger lifted my chin after Bones dropped his shirt and leather vest onto the table next to my shoulder. I allowed him to raise my head, tilting it back until I could see into his black eyes. My breath caught, not expecting what I saw. No longer was his expression cold and emotionless. Inside the depths of his eyes, those fathomless pools of darkness held a raw and fierce hunger. If I weren't already sitting, my knees would have given out on me.

Without a word, he lifted his other hand and reached for his belt. His hold on my chin loosened enough to allow me to watch him unbuckle the silver clasp with deft movements. My tongue darted out to wet my lips as his fingers lowered to the button to his jeans, popping it open. With his fingers grasping the tab to his zipper tightly, he paused. I glanced up breathlessly from his hold on the zipper and met his gaze again.

As I stared into his eyes, I saw the vulnerability. There was a question there he wasn't asking out loud, and he was expecting rejection. He was asking me to perform this intimate act with him. I could see he wanted it badly, but he was giving me the choice. I paused for no more than a second as a multitude of thoughts ran through my mind, not the least of which was— if I refused, would he let me walk away? Would he ask another woman instead? Would it be Daisy? Or even Kara? I began to question myself whether or not I really wanted to do this with him, but I knew the answer before I could even fully form the question.

I looked back down to where he held his zipper tightly, seeing the thick outline of the cock held tightly back by the denim, and wet my lips again. Yes, I wanted to give this man pleasure. I wanted to be the only woman to do so. It felt imperative to prove to him that I was all he would ever need. I was terrified, too. I knew that if I took this step, I would be ruined in the best way. Even without us actually having sex, the intimacy would cement a fragile bond that had been growing between us since the night he saved me. But, if broken, it would break me in two.

Decision made, and with a deep exhale, I reached toward his jeans, silently telling him that I was willing. Bones suddenly grabbed my hands and yanked them to my sides. I gasped, but before I could protest or question why, he pressed my hands firmly against the wooden bench. I jerked my head up to see his jaw clenched tightly. With his eyes narrowed, there was a warning in his gaze that didn't entirely extinguish the desperate need burning there. I understood the gesture for what it was— a warning not to touch.

I curled my fingers around the edge of the bench and nodded once. His hands relaxed, hesitated, then left mine where I had them clenched tightly to the wood. One went back to his zipper. The other went behind my head to grab hold of the thick braid there. With a firm grip on my hair that held my head immovable, he finally lowered his zipper.



Once he had the zipper halfway down, the lack of pressure allowed his cock to push forward, causing the zipper to slide down the rest of the way on its own. His cock was hidden behind black boxer briefs that did little to hold back the thick length of him and nothing to conceal the sheer size. The head of his cock was easily outlined through the cloth, and I followed the line of what could only be a vein running along the side of his cock. Even in the dim lighting, there was no mistaking that the man was huge.

I swallowed thickly, wondering what having him stretching my mouth out would be like. I still wanted to try it, but there was now a heavy dose of apprehension mixed in with the anticipation. With both dread and desire, I watched anxiously as he hooked his thumb into the waistband of his briefs and pulled. He had to pull up and over to release the head of his dick before pulling down, finally revealing exactly what his boxer briefs had been struggling to hold back.

Just the head of his cock was enough to make me lean back involuntarily as if to get away. Thick and round, it was shiny with the precum he had been leaking. He didn't let me get far, the hold on my braid keeping me in place as he continued yanking down his boxer briefs until he was fully exposed.

I was what some would call innocent. I had grown up in a house full of younger siblings, and my time spent at home was mainly as the caretaker to the whole brood. I had to share my bedroom, so there was never any privacy, and I had no opportunity to date since my parents needed me at home to take care of the children. I could never touch myself to explore the needs that came with puberty. I didn't have the opportunity to explore with boys. I didn't watch porn. Only after I had moved away did I begin to explore the world of sex.

Being young and frightened in the big, new city I had moved to, I hadn't been ready to date yet. I had planned to dive in as soon as I felt more comfortable, eager to get it over with. But that ended once I had been kidnapped and held by an insane doctor. So any experience I'd had regarding sex was from watching porn on my phone and touching myself quietly so my roommates wouldn't hear me through the paper-thin walls of our shared apartment.

Now, I was finally seeing a real man's cock for the first time, and I was overwhelmed, excited, and greedy. Because I was finally,finally, getting the chance to live.

He didn't even have to guide me. I immediately leaned forward and swiped my tongue over the head of his dick, lapping at the glistening wetness there. I closed my eyes and took in the experience, cataloging every sensation. His skin was hot against my tongue. The flesh was soft but firm. The taste was slightly salty, a little bitter, but not at all unpleasant. I wanted more. Ineededto experience more.

With a muffled groan, I opened wide and engulfed the head in my mouth, remembering the videos I had watched of the porn stars doing this very thing. I had to open even wider than expected, the stretch on the corners of my mouth pulling uncomfortably where the doctor had sliced me open, only to stitch me back together again. I was fully healed, but the skin there was thinner than it had been before the incisions, and it caused a sudden jolt of panic to rush through me. Worried that the skin in the corners of my mouth would tear, I pulled back with tears in my eyes and looked up at Bones, ready to apologize for my fear of hurting myself. As soon as I saw his face, though, I froze.

Even a moment ago, when his desire was plain to see, the features of his face still held onto that mask of indifference. But now, he was anything but indifferent.

Bones squeezed his eyes shut, and his lips pressed into a thin line as he clenched his jaw. His cheeks were red, and at first glance, it looked like he was in pain, but I realized it was intense pleasure he was feeling. Just that short time of having him in my mouth had brought him so much pleasure that Bones had let his mask drop.

His eyes opened as I stared at him with my mouth open in wonder, lips still wet from my saliva. He looked into my eyes and, without saying a word, pleaded with me. It was then that I knew I wouldn't stop. I would never stop. I had done that to him, only me. And I wanted to do it to him again and again until all he thought of when he looked at me was the pleasure I gave him.

Without further hesitation, I dropped my head back down. Now that I knew what to expect, I was careful, taking it slow, allowing my mouth to stretch around his girth. I took him down as far as I could go, testing myself and pushing myself to my limits. When he hit the back of my throat, I swallowed convulsively, trying to stave off the gag that threatened me. When I swallowed, squeezing the head of his cock with my throat muscles, he groaned low and deep. Hearing the sound of his pleasure felt like the greatest victory of my life.

Needing to breathe, I slowly pulled back up, letting the flat of my tongue glide over that long, thick vein I had seen through the black cloth of his boxer briefs. I felt it pulse against my tongue, so I pressed harder and felt his whole body jerk as he let out another deep, guttural groan.

I wanted to see him, to watch his face as I took him inside my mouth, but our positions didn't allow me to do anything except bend forward. It felt like I was missing out on the best part of the experience, but at least I got to listen to the sounds he was making. I slid back to the tip, swirling my tongue around the head, and was thrilled when I tasted a new release of his precum.

I took a deep breath to prepare myself, then quickly lowered my mouth over his cock, swallowing it as far as possible. I knew I had gone too far, too fast, when I couldn't hold back the gag. Tears immediately filled my eyes, and I tried swallowing several times to regain control. My fingers flexed at my thighs, needing to grab onto him so badly, but I knew I couldn't without ruining everything.

I swallowed and gagged, pressing my tongue hard against the shaft in my mouth, but refused to give up. I was nothing if not determined. I had always been stubborn with a need to prove myself. While fighting my instinct to pull off, I shallowly bobbed my head up and down, refusing to give up. I felt him grow thicker, the added stretch nearly overwhelming, and widened my eyes. I knew I couldn't take anymore. My lips were stretched to their limits, and the fear of tearing came rushing back. But before I could react, Bone's hand on my braid tightened, pressing my head down as his hips pushed forward for the first time.

I was on the verge of struggling for freedom when the first spurt hit the back of my tongue. Within seconds, several more spurts of come shot out, triggering my instinct to swallow before I choked. I didn't even have a chance to taste what he was giving me. All I could do was make sure I could breathe, knowing the best way to do that was to swallow.

Through the buzzing in my ears, I heard a shout followed by another deep groan. Once his cock had stopped pulsing, it softened enough that I no longer felt in danger of tearing, allowing me to finally relax. He left his cock sitting there on my tongue for several breaths before eventually withdrawing slowly. I licked my lips once he was gone from my mouth, my tongue grazing the head of his cock and making him jerk from the contact.

I sat back, panting, and looked up at Bones with a small smile playing on my swollen lips. His chest was heaving with his breaths, rising and falling rapidly, the stark white bones of his tattoo appearing to be flexing. The muscles of his abdomen glistened with more sweat than had been there after his fight. It was mesmerizing, but what took my breath away was the look on his face that he wasn't trying to hide.

The look of wonder as he stared down at me had me squeezing my thighs tightly together as I dug my fingernails into the wooden bench. That, right there, was why I had wanted to do this to a man who had barely spoken to me in a month. He stared down at me with lust, approval, and a hint of surprise. I had a strong feeling that I had just given him his first blow job and felt insanely proud of myself for being able to give him that experience even though I hadn't known what to do above the very basics.

He stepped back, taking slow, deep breaths, calming himself quickly. I watched as the remaining pleasure I had given him melted away and wanted to cry when that familiar mask of indifference stole over his features once again. As the smile fell from my face, he turned to his shirt and leather vest. He quickly pulled the shirt over his head and shrugged into the vest. His shirt had fallen over his open pants that were pulled down below his hipbones, hiding the cock that had only partially softened.

I frowned as I watched him use both hands to tug his jeans back into place and tuck his hard dick away. He swiftly had the fly of his jeans zipped, buttoned, and his belt refastened before I could even consider offering a protest or beg him to let me do all that again. The last thing he did was run both hands through the thick black hair on his head while letting out another long breath. Once he had finished righting himself, he was again the president of the Devil's Nightmares, and I was back to being the girl who worked for him.