Page 11 of The Nightmare King

"You better watch your step," Daisy leaned in and hissed at Kara. "You are going to regret speaking to me that way."

"Yeah, I don't think so," Kara scoffed, then I felt her hand wrap around my elbow just before she dragged me away from Daisy and closer to the ring. "Ignore her, okay?" She was so pissed off that her words came out in a snarl.

I swallowed hard, my gaze meeting Bone's from inside the ring while he stood there ignoring his opponent, who was prancing around the ring showboating for the crowd. Instead, he seemed to be paying close attention to what I was doing. My eyes darted from the other fighter to the referee, to the crowd, and back to the black eyes that made me nervous. I watched as they narrowed almost imperceptibly, then left mine to land behind me.

My curiosity got the better of me, so I turned to look over my shoulder. Daisy was glaring daggers at my back while standing cozied up to a guy I had never seen before. The guy was looking at me with too much curiosity, making me immediately want to back further away. It was a look I had seen before. There were many times the doctor would stare at me like that when he was filled with morbid interest, right before he would satisfy his curiosity by doing something that hurt.

I was battling back the panic trying to crawl up my throat, when first Daisy, then the biker, seemed to realize they were being watched. Their eyes widened, and before I could make sense of the sudden change, the man turned, walking away quickly with Daisy rushing to follow after him. I wondered if Bones had done something to warn them somehow, but when I turned back to face the ring, he was facing his opponent with his usual dead stare, somehow even more intimidating than usual.

The sound of a bell rang out, immediately starting a flurry of activity inside the ring. Everyone on the outside stood on their feet and cheered for their favorite to win. Bones did a lot of ducking and dodging, seemingly playing some cat-and-mouse game with the giant man. For every third or so swing he avoided from his opponent, Bones would send a sharp jab somewhere into the man's body.

There was blood dripping down the large barrel chest of Bone’s opponent from a cut above his eyebrow, and a large bruise was already forming on the side of his ribs. He had yet to make full contact with Bones, though he had grazed his chin at one point when my small squeal of worry had his gaze jerking to me. Though he still managed to pull his head back, he hadn't avoided the fist completely as it ran across his jaw. From that moment on, I clamped a hand over my mouth and bit my lip to hold back any sounds that could distract him.

For being such a tall, muscular man, he was quick on his feet and almost seemed to have a sixth sense for his opponent's moves. Bones avoided blows as if it were a choreographed dance. It wasn't until the other man was panting heavily, his swings becoming sloppy and sluggish, that things changed. And then the crowd truly went wild.



The sounds in the large warehouse were deafening, but nobody seemed to care as every man and woman went wild as they watched Bones suddenly begin to beat the living shit out of the other fighter. The huge man swayed on his feet with every punch, his head jerking back with each impact. I truly didn't understand how he was even still on his feet.

Bones didn't even look winded. Just a thin layer of sweat covered his exposed back, making the stark white of the bones that created the effect of a ribcage gleam under the fluorescent lighting. The rippling movements of his muscles were easy to see, and see I did.

I stared, fascinated, as he decimated the much larger man, my breath shallow and my heart beating like a runaway train. If anyone needed a drink refill, they were out of luck unless they found someone else to serve them. After a particularly vicious uppercut, the biker was knocked backward several steps. He began pinwheeling his arms, trying to maintain his wavering balance, and I became aware of a prickling sensation going down my spine. The feeling of being watched made me regretfully pull my eyes away from the Nightmare President. I darted my eyes around as I subconsciously rubbed the back of my neck, trying to soothe the tension the feeling of being watched caused.

My gaze scanned the crowd, looking for anyone who had their eyes on me. Daisy was still cozied up to her biker, but neither seemed to be paying me any attention. Instead, they were practically fucking in the middle of the crowd. His hand was clearly inside her stretchy shorts and moving at a rapid pace as she panted against his mouth. I looked away in disgust, a full body shiver running over me and had me shaking out my arm, not holding the clothes, trying to get rid of the icky feeling. I had already seen Daisy getting railed way more times than I ever cared to. I didn't care how often she got it on. I mean, good for her, I guess. But Ireallywished the girl would at least try to keep it behind closed doors.

I continued my scanning of the warehouse, but it wasn't easy to see anything through all the people standing and yelling toward the ring. No one seemed to be looking at me openly, but the sensation wasn't going away. A loud thump and deafening cheers had me forgetting about anything except for Bones as I spun around to see Bones turning away from the big man who was sprawled on his back, arms splayed out. I couldn't see his face, but it was pretty obvious he was knocked out by the stillness in his body. I might have been concerned if it weren't for the steady rising of his chest. Instead, I was panting as if I had been the one in the ring. I hadn't thought I was the kind of girl to get turned on by senseless violence, but watching the man I had a deep fascination with dominate in such a vicious, undoubtedly primal way sent all kinds of delicious shivers through my body.

As I stood staring, clutching the clothing tightly to my chest, the Devil's Nightmares president slowly turned until he faced me, his face an expressionless mask. He took slow, measured steps to the side of the ring, ignoring the yelling and congratulations from the guys who had jumped into the ring to celebrate his victory. He lifted a leg to step over the top rope, barely pushing it down to do so. His other leg came next until he was balanced on the edge of the platform. Then Bones hopped down to the warehouse floor, all without moving his dark gaze from mine. Several men and women rushed up to him, but he ignored all their congratulatory yells and back pats as he strode toward me.

I took a long, deep breath before letting it out in a shaky exhale. My whole body felt tingly, from my scalp down to my shaky knees. Before I could convince my body to step forward and meet him halfway, Bones was in front of me. Without saying a word, I started to extend my arms, offering his shirt and leather cut back to him, but before I could move my arms more than an inch, he snapped out his hand. In less than a heartbeat, his large palm wrapped around the back of my neck the same way he had wrapped it around the front of my throat earlier.

With a squeeze of warning and pressure to direct me, Bones pushed me forward. My feet began to move, obeying the unspoken order to walk. The crowd parted around us as he propelled me through the warehouse floor. I did my best to ignore the whispers and stares coming from the people all around us, but felt my cheeks heat at the blatant glares from some of the women, including Daisy.

With the way Bones towered over me without saying a word, I had no way to judge his intent. I didn't know if he was angry or pumped up with adrenaline from the fight. The other fighters had immediately celebrated with whichever girl they had grabbed, huge grins of victory on their faces as they took their pleasure. Bones was impossible to read.

We walked past the bar on our side of the warehouse, and I saw the sign indicating the restrooms, assuming that was where we were headed, but more pressure on the back of my neck had me making a sharp right turn. I didn't have to look around for more than a second to realize exactly where I was being directed. A heavy metal door was propped open, leading to the darkness outside.

We stepped through the doorway, and I immediately spotted a few tables situated in the packed dirt. One dim yellow bulb highlighted the outdoor seating area with just enough light so a person wouldn't have to stumble their way through, but it did little to actually light up the space.

A few people were outside sharing a joint while others were smoking cigarettes. One woman was on her knees in the dirt, her head bobbing enthusiastically, while the biker held her hair in a makeshift ponytail, directing her movements. The president stood there, silent and imposing, surveying the small group of people silently. They each looked up, likely sensing the menacing presence of someone even more dangerous than they were. They began elbowing the others that were a bit more oblivious.

As if an order had been shouted, though not a word was said, they stumbled to their feet quickly from where they had been lounging at the wooden tables. Cigarettes were tossed onto the dirt without a second thought, and they all shuffled toward the door. The girl who had been on her knees was pulled up roughly, the guy thankfully using a hand under her arm instead of just yanking her by her hair.

As she stumbled past, wiping the corners of her mouth, she looked Bones up and down, her pupils blown and her steps unsteady. She was probably high on something, but it didn't stop her from dragging her feet as she gaped at Bones before coming to a stop in front of him to smile suggestively. A sharp tug on her arm had her following behind the man she had been blowing, but not without a significant amount of reluctance, as she seemed to have trouble taking her gaze off him.

Once everyone was inside, the door swung shut with a loud clang, making me jump. The hand at the back of my neck tightened again, then pressed me forward, intending for me to head toward one of the tables. I didn't know why, exactly, he had brought me outside, away from everyone else, but I wasn't naive enough to not have a guess. The biggest problem was, I didn't know what I would do about it.

As a virgin, I wasn't keen on having my first time on a dirty table outside a huge biker warehouse with a hundred or more people just on the other side of the metal wall. On the other hand, I couldn't deny the pull the president had on me. Ever since the first night I had seen him, I'd been having fantasies of what it would be like to be the sole focus of the mostly silent man. I'd never been in the presence of so much dominance. He was the kind of man who didn't have to force others to obey him. He led because he was born to do it. If this were a different century and a different place, he would have been a general if not a king. I couldn't imagine him bowing to another soul.

More pressure on the back of my neck had me bending my knees to lower myself. I glanced at the ground, thinking of the woman on her knees. I didn't want to, but I also didn't want to say no. I would do it because he demanded it, even if I knew he wouldn't actually force me. Somehow, I knew he had honor. He could have forced any woman to bend over for him whenever he wanted, but he never did. He wouldn't. He didn't allow women to be used against their will by his men, and he led by example.

As I began to lower to the ground, he stopped me with a firm squeeze of his hand. I glanced up, startled, not understanding why he stopped me. My head pressed into the back of his hand where he held me firmly, a question in my eyes. He looked behind me, so I craned around to see what he was indicating, only to see one of the wooden picnic benches behind me. With my face hot from embarrassment, I stepped back and gingerly lowered myself until I was sitting primly, my hands still holding his clothes in my lap, and waited to see what was next. I could ask him, but it felt like breaking the silence was wrong.

Finally, his hand left me. Immediately, I missed the comforting weight. I felt bereft, almost sad, that he had let me go. Having him there felt like he had claimed me in some meaningful way. Losing it felt like losing something important I'd never fully had.

I lowered my eyes to the shirt in my lap and blinked several times, trying to understand the confusing thoughts racing through my head. I was a spinning wheel of emotions all of a sudden without him there to guide me. His hand came into view, and I watched as he grabbed his clothes and lifted them from my lap. I resisted the urge to yank them back to my chest, not wanting to lose those, too.