“I won’t submit to this—”

“Father,” came the quiet voice interrupting his booming one. “Cease. I have long ago forgiven Silas. You need to as well.”

Caterina looked up and stared at us. And I swear I saw Silas’ eyes well.

“Silas’ banishment is over,” the Don said. “He’s done his penance. It is time for him to come home to the family.”

“You’re just going to let him come in like nothing ever happened?”

The Don shook his head. “Silas has lost his position as the eldest son. He must now answer to his brother.”

“And should Silas decide that he no longer wants to answer to a younger sibling and try for the throne—”

“Are you calling in to question the integrity of my brother? Or my ability to lead and defend my position in the family?”

Sebastian said this so quietly, but the impact was as if death had spoken.

The uncle sat down. “Neither. I can see I am outvoted. I just hope for the sake of the family, Silas is as honorable as you all see him.”

The Don then spoke. “You owe a debt to your youngest cousin, Son. Should she, for whatever reason, needs you, you will answer the call. No matter that reason. For life.”

“Si, Don Caputo,” Silas responded, I assumed he was giving the don the respect he deserved. “I give my word.”

The Don waved his hand at Celio. “Forgive my child. Yours, while hurt, is not dead. She is alive and well. Blood vengeances are to honor the deceased, so they might find peace in being avenged.”

Sebastian stopped him from speaking further. “It seems we will have a celebration tonight as well. I want to welcome my new sister into the fold.” He stood and gave a confused me a hug.

Silas grabbed ahold of my hand and practically dragged me away from the dining room. I was feeling almost dizzy trying to keep up with him. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

We headed up the stairs and to the right. I was struggling to keep up with him. “Silas,” I called. “Stop.”

He ignored me calling his name as we went down another winding hallway. I would get lost around here if I was ever exploring on my own.

Fed up with having to jog in order to keep up with him. I dug in my heels and stopped in place. I wrenched my arm from him and threw my hands in the air.

“SILAS! WOULD YOU HOLD THE FUCK UP? Tell me what is going on?”

“Found it.” Silas grabbed me again and dragged me in front of a red door.

“You found what?” I grumbled. What the hell was going on.

“The room you’ll be using to get ready.” Silas opened the door and I gasped.

Gold lined everything in this room, but the key feature was the splashes of red on the white as if it were blood. A king-sized bed dominated the middle of the room and there hanging from the rafters was a white gown.

My hand covered my mouth as I squeaked out, “Silas, what the fuck is that?”

“Your wedding dress,” He didn’t blink an eye, like the dress being there was the most normal thing in the world. “You’re getting married tonight.”

“What?” I started walking backward, afraid of where this was going.

“Our marriage is a sign to the Don that I am accepting responsibility for your future wrong doings.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “My wrong doings? What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that if you do something wrong, I will pay the price.” His gaze turned somber, so I knew he was serious.
