“Be a good girl for me,” he said, capturing my hands. He kissed my knuckles. “I’ll see you at the end of the aisle.” He stepped back and a slew of women walked into the room, chatting to each other excitedly in Italian.

“We will take good care of her. Bye now.” She dismissed Silas.

He gave me a little smile before walking out of the room.

One walked up to me, her fire engine red nails grabbing ahold of one of my curls. “Your hair is beautiful, yes?”

I nodded and beamed at her. It was my pride and joy.



A tingle of glee ran down my spine. Eden was about to be officially mine. It wasn’t hard to manipulate my parents into allowing me to marry her tonight.

Eden Caputo.

It had such a marvelous ring to it.

I threw on a tux and slicked back my hair. I glance in the mirror making sure to check my teeth, then gargled with Listerine just in case. When I kissed the fuck out of my wife, I was going to make it memorable.

I sat back and nursed a whisky while handling some small business for my brother on the side. I was trying to talk Samuel into flying out here, but he had some project he was applying for with the military. Apparently, he would rather be a soldier for his government than a soldier for me.

Let him sow his oats, Sebastian advised. He wouldn’t be gone long anyway. Samuel was the kind of kid who bucked authority at every turn, unless properly motivated. And the government didn’t have that kind of leadership skill.

When he was done, I would adopt him into our family if need be. He was blood as far as I was concerned. Sebastian agreed.

It felt like forever and no time at all had passed when my mamma bustled into the room. “It’s time.” She shot me a grin. She was happy for me.

It’s because I had never brought a woman home before. I once told my mamma that I would never bring a woman home who wasn’t going to be my wife. There would be no point in wasting either of my parents' time. Whores weren’t worth bringing home to mom.

“Fucking finally,” I muttered, trying not to seem too eager. My heart raced in anticipation of Eden carrying my last name and my child. My own family finally starting.

I was escorted down to the opulent ballroom. It was a celebration, as thefamigliadrank and sang songs waiting for the wedding to commence. No one was in their seats as they all mingled. It was a shame my sister, Dina, couldn’t make it. My parents didn’t want to interrupt her routine at her boarding school. After a bad decision led to her losing her virginity, my sent my sister away until they had to deal with her wayward behavior after graduation.

I caught a glimpse of Celio as he stalked down a young girl who looked to be fleeing the party. My brother Sebastian was speaking with the pope in a low tone. Neither had anything to do with me, so I didn’t pay attention to it.

Soft music played and the guests made their way to their seats. I walked up to my brother and stood in front of him. He made sure that my tie was on straight before handing me a flask.

I took a quick swig and Sebastian patted me on the back for encouragement.

The soft beginnings of the Bridal march began, and I took in a deep breath.

There she was in all her glory. Her white gown, in a fitted mermaid style, showcased her curves to everyone here. I held back a growl when I noticed how deep the cut between her lovely breasts was, hiding nothing from view.

I counted down the seconds as she made her way toward me.

Since she had no other family, my papà had walked her down the aisle. When they reached me, he lifted her veil, smiled, and gave her a kiss on the forehead as his blessing.

I grabbed her hand and stopped myself from yanking her body to mine. We had all the time in the world for that later, when we were husband and wife.

We went through the motions, and I barely heard my cue as I lost myself in her brown eyes. But I said my vows, and she did too. Then the Pope told us to kiss, and I let loose the beast that was hiding within.

I swung her around and dipped her in front of the crowd, before taking her mouth in mine. Hoots and hollers surrounded us, but I tuned them out as the feeling of rightness settled in my gut.

I lifted her upright and brushed one last kiss on her swollen lips. Eden blinked up at me in surprise.

“You’re mine now,” I growled. Unholy thoughts about what I was going to do to her in that dress ran through my mind.