“Spit it out, Silas,” she snapped.

“I’m sorry,” I blurted, unsure of what else to say.

She looked relieved, as if she had been expecting bad news.

Eden blew on her coffee and took a sip. “For?”

“I’m sorry for not finding you sooner.”

She didn’t say anything. Her eyes just welled with tears. And in my soul, I knew that she knew what was wrong between us.

“Well, let’s talk about us then,” I continued. “You’re the perfect woman for me. I love you with all my heart. I would light the world on fire to be with you. You know this. And I know you love me as well. I know you trust me with your body— your safety, your passion, your submission. But I don’t think you trust me with your heart and mind.

“What do you mean?

“Why didn’t you call me the day you went to the embassy? When you found out your mom was missing, why didn’t you call me?

She blushed and I really saw her haggard features. My woman had been through so much. She didn’t know it now, but I was going to fix everything. Soon. Very soon. But I needed to know what prevented her from reaching out, so I could fix that.

“I knew you wouldn’t let me go home to search for her,” she whispered. “You would have stopped me.”

“So, you ran away from me again?”

She nodded, dislodging tears. “This is all my fault,” she hiccupped. “Not yours. You are my hero. You found me. But you wouldn’t have had to if I had just stayed put like you told me, or if I had called you as you had directed when you left the phone for emergencies.”

I pulled her into my arms and let her cry.

“Silas, I will never leave your side again. I swear. I will tell you everything. I won’t keep anything from you.”

I moved her back so I could wipe the tears from her cheeks. “Everything I’ve ever done since meeting you; I only did to get us to this moment. I’m not a good man, Eden. I’m a selfish bastard. I want you all to myself.”

She laughed quietly. “Wow, obsess much?”

“Yes. I am obsessed with you.” I kissed her. “I will not be able to return to the US. Could you be happy here in Italy?”

Eden nodded. “I had always planned on moving here. It’s why I was in your class.”

I let out a sigh, because I hated compromising, but that was what love was about. “I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children. However, if you want to return to school here and finish your education, you can. I will not stop you.”


Her brightened expression made the concession worth it. “Yes.”

She shrugged. “I think I just want to be with you for a while. I’m still a bit traumatized, and I know my focus won’t be what it needs to be. Maybe one day in the future I will. Can I be your housewife until then?”

Now I was the one smiling. “Is this you proposing to me?”

She laughed and shrugged. “I guess. But I don’t have a ring to give you.”

“Don’t worry about that. We can figure out the rings later.”



The week sped by,and before I knew it, it was time for thefamigliameal. While I wanted my parents to meet Eden, I was not looking forward to the other aspects of the planned dinner. My brother had invited my uncle as well.

I’d pampered my little Eden as long as I could. We both dressed up, and I could tell she was nervous. Her hands were shaky, palms sweaty. I didn’t blame her. It wasn’t every day you met a mafia family.