“Atta girl.”

She beamed at me, and it seemed like a tiny bit of life had returned to her haunted gaze. Like a candle in darkness, she glowed, and it took my breath away.

“Silas. You need to know something. I love you. I knew you would come for me. I never lost faith in you.”

She looked up at me with so much trust. I felt like a king. I was going to make sure I showed her just how much I loved her. She was my everything.

A low groan beside me reminded me that we were not alone. “Eden?” her uncle mumbled. “Why are you letting him do this?”

I approached Eden and kissed her deeply. “No matter what, you will always be mine,” I vowed. “I will fuck you so goddamn deep that my seed will take root and I’ll have a little heir running around looking like me.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I want that.”

“H-help,” her uncle stammered. “Eden, help me.”

I spat on him. “Do you have anything you need to say to this disgusting filth before I begin lopping off fingers?”

She pulled away from me and ruthlessly jerked his chin up so he could look at her. “You. Did. Not. Destroy. Me.”

Her shaky voice held so much strength.

Then to my surprise, she punched the fuck out of him.

Knocked him out cold.

Well, hell. So much for torture.Guess I would just clean up, untie the fucker, text Samuel to call 9-1-1 and tip off the cops.

I reached out and grabbed Eden, dragging her back toward my body. She was a true survivor, a beautiful woman that I didn’t deserve, but she was mine.



I wokeup with the smell of antiseptic in my nose. A slight hint of oranges, too, and I knew Eden was in my arms. Her hair tickled my nose, but I held back a sneeze. I didn’t want to wake her up. She needed all the sleep she could get. I looked at the healing wound on her head, pleased to see the damage was almost gone.

After her ordeal, I had rushed her back to Italy to recover. We had holed ourselves up at my brother’s estate in his guest house. But soon, we would have to return to real life. We could not hide away forever.

So why couldn’t I find the strength to get up and go?

Eden deserved better than me— a stronger man. I was weak. I couldn’t bring myself to even leave her side for a moment. But I was being impractical again. She needed to eat. To drink. I needed to get up and get things done.

I moved to get off the bed.

She dug her nails into my hand. “Don’t go,” she murmured.

“I’m going to get us some coffee and food, Eden. Right downstairs.” I tried to reassure her.

Her face pinched with concern, and at first, she didn’t let go. Then, finally, she forced herself to release my hand. I wouldn’t leave her alone for too long. The thought of being away from her was so painful, I felt physically ill.

“I’ll be right back.” I brushed against her ear.

I ran down the stairs and hit the kitchen. Ignoring the servants, I made us two coffees and threw together a quick breakfast sampler dish. I rushed back up to her room.

My hands were full, so I opened the door with my foot then backed into the room. I walked over and set everything down on the small table beside her. I then sat Eden up in bed. I fussed over the covers, making sure she was warm. I gave her the coffee, making sure her hands were steady before I released the cup to her.

Then I sat on the edge of the mattress and stared at her, watching her closely as she took each bite. I had so much I wanted to say but couldn’t seem to find the words in my aching heart.

She kept looking at me, back at the food, then back to me again. This went on for a minute or two before she abruptly broke the silence.