Page 4 of Raven's Spectre

He was Lucifer himself, the Morning Star, the Fallen One. His eyes gleamed like burning embers as he regarded the crossroads demon with a mixture of disdain and amusement.

The demon, startled and trembling, stammered, "M-Master, I... I was just about to..."

Lucifer raised a hand, silencing the demon's feeble explanation. "You dare to traffic with such insignificant souls?" His voice carried the weight of eternity, a power that made the demon quiver in submission.

“Master, I was only doing your bidding.”

“I don’t need you striking deals with souls that are already mine.”

“But this soul has value. It is willing to give up its soul for love.”

Lucifer's gaze turned icy, and his voice took on an edge of steel. "And I have no use for a soul that may be redeemed.”

The demon persisted, its defiance flaring in its futile attempt to argue its case. "But, Master, we demons thrive on such deals. This soul is bound to serve us in the depths of hell."

Lucifer's eyes blazed brighter, and his power drilled down on the demon, overcoming its resistance. "Am I not making myself clear?”

Lucifer’s voice became a deep ominous tone, laced with a palpable threat that forced an aura of dread to reverberate from the demon. The evil in his tone caused me to shake and not able to withstand it, I collapsed onto my knees.

Lucifer’s eyes fell on me as he waved his hand in the air. “Leave us,” he stated in exasperation. As if the demon were a child, he was tired of scolding. “And next time remember your place, if you don’t want to spend the rest of eternity in a cage."

The crossroads demon, defeated and clearly filled with fear, reluctantly vanished into the darkness, leaving me alone with the devil. Lucifer’s demeanor shifted from wrathful to speculating as he stared at me.

His voice took on a more whimsical, businesslike tone. But it still held that evilness that continued to chill me to the bone.

“Lost souls amuse me. But yours is beyond that. It’s broken in ways that make me shudder. I like it.”

I bit back a curse, forcing myself to look up at him as I was clearly being pinned to the ground by his power.

“Your wife and daughter are not with me, if you’re wondering. They’re up in he…hea…” He paused, closing his eyes, unable to say the word as he pointed to the sky.

He grimaced, cracked his neck and looked down at me again. “Is that where you want to drag them down from?”

Realization suddenly hit me and that oppression in my chest tightened. “What?”

“They’ve found peace,” Lucifer crouched down before me. “They’re with, you know who. Are you ready to tear them away from that?”

“Fuck you,” I finally said.

“Such a good phrase, isn’t it? Fuck you, fuck me, fuck it all,” his voice dropped to a malevolent whisper.

“So simple yet so perfect.” He chuckled, and I continued to shake.

He stood up, looking down on me and I waited patiently for lightning to strike. When nothing happened I slowly looked up to see darkness in his smile.

“You’re already doomed to an eternity with me, biker. Nothing you do could ever redeem that black hole of a soul of yours. I have to admit I’m impressed. Your death toll….fuuuck. For a human.” He kissed his fingers in a chef’s type of kiss and a smile played on his mouth. “It’s perfection.”

“I won’t be your Reaper.”

Lucifer smirked, his tone turning condescending. “Ohhh, I don’t want you for that. No. Too easy. But I can use you for something a little more interesting.”

“That’s not what I came here for,” I argued.

“No?” He laughed, a sharp cackling sound that ended on a deep menacing note.

“No. I came here to strike a deal…”

He crouched down before me, patronizingly patting my head. “You don’t make the rules, human. Down here, I do. And the only deal I’ll allow you to strike is with me.”