Page 5 of Raven's Spectre

I grimaced, struggling to stand but unable to. “What do you want?”

He stood, once again speaking as if he were negotiating a business deal. “It’s simple really. There is this thing. Let’s call it a raven. And she’s being held captive by…I guess you could call him a madman. I’ll give him that title, I mean he is one of my favorite kinds,” he smirked back at me. “Unfortunately, this madman decided it would be beneficial to betray me, and now he needs to pay the consequences.

“I’m sorry, wait…A raven? As in a bird?”

“What other kind is there?” His smile was sinister and I held back a shiver of fear.

“You talk as if she’s an actual…human.”

He smirked and looked down at me. “I need you to steal her from him and bring her to me. Her lineage is special. And they owe me a soul. I want hers.”

“What?” I asked genuinely confused.

“Did I not speak English?” He started to repeat his sentences in what seemed like a dozen other languages, filling my head with them all at once until I finally screamed, covering my ears and rocking forward in pain.

“Stooppp! I understand you!” I yelled.

“Then why are you wasting my time?” He blinked at me as ifIwere crazy.

“This is insane,” I slowly stood up, my knees screaming from the ache. “This isn’t real, it can’t be.”

“Your brethren would say differently. They’ve tried to challenge me before, you should ask them how that went.”

“My brothers have nothing to do with this.”

“No. I suppose they don’t, do they? But this is all you're doing, isn’t it? It’s yourchoice, your deal.” That word-choice- it dripped from his lips in disgust.

I gasped as he was suddenly an inch in front of me. Stumbling back, he moved his fingers, holding me up straight in a searing, invisible grip. The grip of the devil.

“You bring that soul to me, and I will rip your little family from the heavens and shove them down into this purgatory to live your hell, as you wish.”

I shook in anger. He’d twisted everything I had come here for. This wasn’t what I wanted for my family. “I take it back. I take it all back!”

He tsked, shaking his head and wagging his finger in my face. “No take backs. A deal is a deal.”

“And if I don’t bring the soul.”

“I will burn your brethren to the ground,” he snarled and I could feel his evil power come over me. My eyes rolled back, and visions of my brothers burning and screaming in pain filled my head. Tears fell from my eyes, although I was unable to scream with them.

He released me then, and as my eyes adjusted once again, I knew his threat was real. I either did what he wanted or he’d take everyone I loved and they’d burn forever. It was a simple deal, one soul in exchange for my brothers’ fate.

I nodded. “Okay, I’ll do what you want. Where do I find her?”

He grinned and clapped his hands in mock excitement. “Now that’s what I want to hear!”

I gave out a low rumble of anger and that fiery gaze of his landed on me. His eyes bore down on me, holding that threat in the air around me. “Do you think I would need you if I knew where she was?”

“N-no,” I grunted. “Then why ask such stupid questions?”

“Because I need more than just a name. At least tell me who her captor is?”

Lucifer sighed, flailing his hand in the air. “I suppose I can help you there. His name is Serge Bastien. Ask around, do what you do best to find him.”

In my naivety, I pushed him for more information. “Why can’tyoufind him?”

“Because he knows how to hide from me. Or at least his witch knows how to hide him from me. Fucking bitch.” He uttered beneath his breath.

“So if I find him, I will find this raven.”