She’s quiet for a few more seconds, and then she says, “No one else is allowed to know about you. Does that mean, as your mate, you’ll expect me to go live in your demon world with you? ‘Cause, I got a glimpse of it in your download thing and… I’m a homebody. I likemyhome. I don’t think I can live in Hell.”


“Same thing.”

I don’t argue. This ‘Hell’s she refers to is fairly similar to Sombra if her essence is anything to go by.

“When I left Sombra, searching for my female… for my mate… foryou… I knew there might be a chance I wouldn’t be returning any time soon. It was my home, but now? My home is with my Hope.”

“So… again, just checking… but that sickness from the other day? That’s because I’m your mate, but we haven’t slept together yet? And that, when we do, not only will that stop happening, but I get a gorgeous demon for a forever husband, who will never cheat, never stray, never get tired of me watching the same damn movie every night… and we can stay here?”

“Yes. Yes, all that is correct,” I tell her.

“Oh.” She leans back into her seat, then pushes forward, rising to her feat. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”





Later on, I would admit to myself it was the tea that did it. To a certain degree, the memory of all those acorns, plus how he used magic to keep Johanna from getting in the crosshairs of the ruler of his demon world helped, too, as well as all the benefits I would get by deciding to hook up with him… but, honestly, it was the tea.

Sammael went into my kitchen and, like my mom used to do when I was upset, he brewed me a cup of tea. And, sure, he basically threw some of the loose leaves into some hot water and handed it to me with a look of intense pride, but I don’t care about that. I don’t care that I couldn’t drink it, or that he knew I was full of it when I told him he did it right.

The fact that he did it at all? That he learned from watching me because I matter to him?

I’ve been drawn to him from the first time he walked into my dreams. I told myself I made him up, and as I stand there, looking up at him now, I wonder if I still did.

Almost two weeks ago, I asked myself a question:how do I know if I’m going crazy?I swore I was being haunted—and I was right. I swore that old book was following me around. It was. And I honestly believed that I imagined Sammael because why else would a creature like him want me?

Is it because we’re fated? If that was the case, I’d put an end to this just as easily as I turned down Jake all those times before. Me being his one true mate might be the reason why he’s here, why he searched for me at all, but is that why he patted me on the head and went to my kitchen to make me a cup of undrinkable tea?

Is that why he brought me acorns and—with a very recent memory of his running through my mind—was the reason why my remote fell, my picture knocked over, and my front door opened the night I invited my co-worker back to my place.

Sammael was jealous. Not because the mate sickness made me so desperate to turn to any other guy since he was obviously unavailable, but because he was jealous that another male could touch his Hope.

Not his mate.



He wants me.

There was one bonus to him giving me his essence. Before the overload of information basically short-circuited my brain, giving me a massive headache until I stopped digging through it, I learned enough from him to know that this… it’s legit.

We also have a deadline that he’s being careful not to tell me so that I don’t feel rushed into a lifetime commitment.

He keeps mentioning this duke of his, and something called the ‘first law’. All I get from my sneaky forays into that download he dropped into my brain is that the duke of Sombra is in charge of Sammael’s demon word, and that anyone who breaks that law—showing themselves off to the human world—ends up as his prisoner.

Chains might be involved, too, and that freaks me out so much, I quickly stop thinking about it—a feat I can only accomplish because, holy shit, there is so many other things commanding my attention since I learned that Sammael is real, and he really, really wants to keep me.

Three nights ago, while I was picking a Halloween movie to watch, I watched Casper for the first time in ages.

Can I keep you?