Because Toroq was really gone.

Cazar had more or less verified it. No longer was Toroq’s tattoo printed upon her mate’s back. Evie had checked his skin everywhere in case it had moved, but nothing. Toroq had really left.

But how?

How the hell had he just disappeared? It didn’t make any sense, especially given that he was only a blobby black form when not attached to a host. He hadn’t detached from Cazar. She would have seen it. She would have known.

He’d justvanished.

Sadness washed over her, but she was determined to beat it back, to not dwell on him any longer. The important thing to focus on was her mating with Cazar and getting their relationship on track now that he wasn’t caught in a state of conflict with himself.

This was their time to really begin. To move in together. For him to get back to his experiments and studies. For her to stop stressing and to just live.

A fluttering of excitement and anticipation stirred in her belly as more and more possibilities opened up for them. Maybe, after a few months, she’d end up pregnant. It wasn’t like they’d been using protection, and based on Delilah’s and Cordelia’s experience, pregnancy had come fairly quickly.

She was honestly surprised that Alex wasn’t already knocked up, given how feral Kylok was for his mate. Cazar was equally as crazed for Evie, and vice versa. It made sense that starting a family would be the next course of action for them both, and she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.

She’d always wanted a baby boy, which obviously wouldn’t be super helpful with the Aragnokan population crisis. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t have another child. And then another.

How many was too many, really?

Warm lips pressed into Evie’s shoulder, breaking into her thoughts as they caressed her mating mark. Cazar pulled her up with him from the dirt, dusting her off and leading her back into the river.

The water was cold but welcoming, waking her up to reality and dousing her current thoughts of pregnancy and babies. At least, for now.

“I would like to move in with you when we return to Aragnok,” Cazar stated, his expression open and vulnerable as he ran his hands up and down her body, rinsing her off.

Her smile widened, happy that he was thinking along the same lines that she was. No more separation. She’d be waking up in her mate’s arms every morning, and going to sleep cuddled against him every night.

That sounded perfect.

“You better,” she teased, cleaning him off as well.

“I’m sorry that it took me so long to claim you,” Cazar told her suddenly, his voice soft. “I know that it was my own inability to accept myself that has led us here, and now you’re in painagainbecause of my actions.”

Evie shook her head, her hands wandering from Cazar’s chest and around his neck as she stared up at him. She waited until he met her gaze before answering.

“That’s not fair to you at all. The last Aragnokan almost died because of Toroq, and we both know how much of an asshole he can be, wherever he’s gone.” Evie rose up onto her toes, kissing her mate’s chin gently before dropping back onto the soles of her feet. “Let’s not focus on regrets.”

Cazar nodded, his eyes bright with a tenderness that melted her heart. “I won’t.”

After one embarrassing, very naked march back to Kylok and Alex later, Evie and Cazar were both fully dressed and on the ship as it set a course for Aragnok.

Once they left Lorshna’s atmosphere and were flying through space, the four of them met in the kitchens, having a seat at the only large table. Evie and Cazar sat side by side, directly across from Alex and Kylok.

A few bowls of broth were sitting in front of each of them, but aside from Kylok, no one else was really interested in the meal. It was probably for the best, because something seemed to be moving inside the goopy liquid, and Evie really didnotwant to find out what it was.

Alex grabbed Evie’s hands from across the table, squeezing them in reassurance. “Now that we’re all settled, I do want to ask, how are you feeling?”

Evie flushed, unsure of how to answer. She was pretty confident that Alex meant about having crazy monster sex in the jungle, not about feeling sad that said monster was gone. She shrugged. “As well as can be expected.”

Kylok huffed, bringing a steaming spoonful of broth up to his lips. “That provides my mate with no concrete information. You should answer again.”

Alex elbowed Kylok in the side. “Don’t be rude.”

Kylok grumbled something under his breath as he ate.

“No, he’s right,” Evie said. “You both came all this way and it was a shit answer. I’m alright. But I’ll be better by the time we get home. Nothing insane happened while we were in the jungle. Cazar and I are both fine, and Toroq was true to his word. He’s gone.”