“That’s great!” Alex paused, looking between Cazar and Evie before frowning. “Right?”

Cazar cleared his throat, his hands clenching at his sides from under the table. “Yes.”

Evie smiled at Alex, freeing her hands from her best friend in order to hold one of Cazar’s, dragging his tight fist into her lap. Her fingers danced over his skin, tracing his knuckles until he visibly relaxed beside her, his powerful body uncoiling finally.

She had noticed he seemed a little off as they’d boarded the ship, mostly just surly and quiet, but now that she was touching him tenderly, he absolutely melted into her touch, slouching against the back of his seat.

“Cazar is going to move into my room with me, which is exciting, because I won’t wake up in the middle of the night to see him lurking in the shadows like a giant weirdo,” she joked.

To be fair, she’d woken up with him eating her out, not hiding in a corner, but still. She had no doubt he/Toroq had been lurking around beforehand.

“That is rude,” Cazar informed her, followed up with a smug smirk. “And we both know that isn’t how I woke you.”

Evie eyed him up and down appreciatively, sending him a secretive wink. “I remember,” she all but purred, eager to watch her mate flush.

Kylok snorted, ignoring Cazar completely as he pointed his spoon at Evie. “He will likely lurk in the shadows to watch you sleep more often now that he doesn’t need to break in.”

Cazar reached over the table, flicking Kylok’s forehead. A resounding ‘thunk’ echoed in the small space.

Kylok snarled, swatting at his younger brother’s hand. He glowered as he dipped his spoon back into the broth. “Next time you strike me, I’ll stab you with one of my spikes. We can see how much of the parasite truly remains to counteract my poison.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Alex said with a roll of her eyes, poking her mate in the forehead as well, just to spite him. Evie’s lips twitched when Kylok dropped his spoon, staring at her with betrayal shining in his eyes.

“I would stab you if it would do anything,” he hissed back dramatically before swooping in and giving her a quick, heated kiss.

“You stab me every night for hours already,” Alex sassed, watching him return to his food.

Kylok’s eyes danced mischievously, his mouth full of broth, thankfully saving them all from hearing whatever lewd thoughts were flying through his head.

“I wonder what has been happening while we’ve been gone,” Evie mused. “Do you think the families have arrived from Earth yet?”

Alex ran a hand through her hair, fluffing up the errant strands as she answered, “It’s definitely possible. I hope nothing crazy happens, though.”

“Surely, the humans will be properly vetted before being allowed to visit Aragnok,” Cazar suggested, finally relaxing his grip and intertwining his fingers with Evie’s. She let out a happy sigh, squeezing his hand in return. “Nothing crazy will occur.”

“Yeah, stuff like that never happens,” Evie agreed, waving a hand nonchalantly. “Like some previously vetted soldiers sneaking around Aragnok in order to steal cryptic files from a scientist’s lab and jeopardizing the peace treaties in place between our two planets.”

Alex nodded seriously. “Yeah, exactly. I don’t know what we were even worried about.”

Cazar paused. “I see your point.”

Evie leaned over, kissing his cheek. “Good.”

“I’m hoping that Daemon, Kylok’s friend, was able to get in touch with Catalina while we’ve been gone,” Alex said, furrowing her brow. “I’m eager to hear how she’s been.”

Kylok dropped his spoon into the now-empty bowl with a small clatter. “I am sure he will have news for us. I’ve spoken with my father, and I’m hopeful he’ll have some information on whether she may come to Aragnok.”

“To visit? Evie and I were talking about that,” Alex informed them. “But I’m not sure she can travel so soon after surgery, and I don’t know if visiting and then leaving will be good for her. Or me.”

Kylok shook his head. “I wanted to wait until I had a concrete answer before telling you, but I meant that perhaps your sister would like to come live here with us permanently. Jakkar is looking into this to see if it is plausible. We don’t want her brought here under the pretense of requiring a mate, so further approval is needed from the senate on this decision.”

Alex gasped, and Evie couldn’t help her own swift intake, happiness radiating through her chest at the thought of her best friend being permanently reunited with her family.

Alex had been worried over her little sister since arriving, and while Evie was used to being separated from her older brother, Alex wasn’t. Being on Aragnok while her little sister had surgery and then healed had been trying on her. But now, hopefully, it wouldn’t be for much longer.

“You really did that? For me?” Alex asked softly, turning to face her mate fully.

Kylok shrugged. “Of course. I do not know if it can be done, but–”