Cazar shook his head. “I might be altered, but you’ll be gone. I’ll have autonomy of my own body once more, and Evie won’t be burdened by you.”

Is that what you truly want? I can protect her. Ihaveprotected her. What can you do without me? You’re a normal male.An average male. How would you have helped her against the monster that threatened to consume her earlier?

It felt Cazar falter in his anger, indecision roaring to life within him.

Ah, so the Aragnokan did feel conflicted about parting with it. Interesting. It would be sure to use that to its advantage.

“I’m done speaking with you,” Cazar said softly, turning back toward their camp.

You have nothing else you wish to ask?

Cazar sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He stood there like that for several minutes, the question dancing around his head. It could see it clearly, but it wanted to hear him ask aloud. “I’m only asking this because Evie will want to know. What is your name?”

It smiled.

You both may call me Toroq.

Chapter 19

“Areyousureyou’realright?” Evie asked for what felt like the hundredth time that morning, swatting at a vine that dangled from a tree branch to lightly brush over her shoulder.

She wasn’t about to be tricked by another creature pretending to be something else on this damn planet. A puddle, a vine.No, thank you.

They’d started their trek through the jungle just after breakfast, which had consisted of some odd paste-like substance that didn’t taste like very much, but it had filled her with energy and eradicated her hunger. When she’d mentioned the lack of flavor, Cazar had informed her that the paste was better than receiving an injection, which was given to warriors that went off to war. Based on the way Kylok snarled at the mention of it, she was inclined to believe him.

Kylok and Alex were somewhere ahead of them in the thicket of the jungle, following a map their holopad had created after allegedly detecting five life forms in the general area.

Cazar was certain it was a sentient species as he gruffly explained the additional details the holopad provided, indicating larger life forms similar to their own bodies. With their implanted translators, hopefully it would be no problem to speak with the planet’s inhabitants, and for her mate’s sake, find a way to remove Joe.

She assumed Cazar would be happy about all of this, ecstatic even, but he seemed more disgruntled now than ever. He’d been practically stomping through the jungle as if he had a personal vendetta with the ground itself. Granted, she had been sucked into the ground only yesterday, so maybe he did.

“I am fine, my mate.” Cazar lifted their joined hands, kissing the back of hers so tenderly that she would have melted if he hadn’t just lied.

“If something is going on that you don’t want to talk about, Cazar, that’s fine. But don’t tell me you’re fine when clearly you’re not.”

Cazar stiffened before nodding in agreement.

“I did not mean to be deceptive with my thoughts.” He squeezed her hand in reassurance. “I just do not wish for you to worry.”

“Should I be worried?” she asked, trepidation filling her soul. What was going on with him? He’d been fine last night. More than fine, especially after he’d eaten her out for nearly an hour until she’d cum so hard she’d blacked out.

And even then, he’d woken her back up and fucked her brains out again. Okay, maybe she’d fucked his brains out...Regardlessof who had done the fucking, her mate had gone to sleep with a smile on his face, which was a feat in and of itself because Aragnokans didn’t smile.

“I spoke with it last night,” he muttered under his breath, drawing her from her lusty thoughts. Evie stopped dead in her tracks, tugging him back until he turned to face her. “What is it?” he asked, suddenly alert.

“You spoke to Joe last night? Were you even planning on telling me?” she seethed, snatching her hand from his. Her eyes narrowed menacingly, concern morphing into indignation.

Why wouldn’t Cazar want her to know that he’d spoken to Joe? She’d been the one to encourage him to do just that! Why keep it a secret?

“He said for you to call him Toroq,” Cazar said, snarling the name. “And I am telling you. Now.”

“Is this why you’re upset?”

“No. Wait!“ He grumbled under his breath, brows snapping together. “Yes. Speaking with him did not provide me the closure I was seeking. And it was rude.”

Cazar’s hands twitched, fisting at his sides as he let out a frustrated growl.

Evie snorted. “I mean, he literally attacked you and took over your body without permission. I never assumed he was polite and nice.” Well, Toroq was nice toher, but that was beside the point. “So what did you two talk about?”