Clearly something juicy if it was still making him grumpy several hours later.

“You,” Cazar ground out, grabbing her hand so quickly that it made her jump. He began leading her through the jungle once more.

She raised a brow. “What about me?”

“It informed me that it was present during several moments during our mating,” he explained with another deep growl that had the hairs on the back of her neck standing on edge.


The memory of Cazar’s eyes flashing to black during sex filled her mind, and she couldn’t help the spark of desire that flared to life. So she’d been right, and Toroq had been actively present during sex, sharing her with Cazar.

“Oh?” Cazar repeated incredulously. “Why do you sound as if this isn’t a surprise?”

Evie winced, feeling like an asshole for keeping her suspicions to herself. “Well, I’ve noticed a lot that while we have sex your eyes constantly change color. I’m pretty sure that means Toroq is with us in some form or fashion.”

“And you’ve been fine sharing yourself like that?” His tone wasn’t exactly filled with censure, but she narrowed her eyes on him anyway.

“Cazar, you’re my mate. Toroq, unless you can find a solution, is a part of you forever. Would you prefer I feel repulsed by your touch while he’s inside of you? I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

His expression shuttered for a moment, closing off his emotions to her. It was unusual for her mate to do so, and she didn’t like it at all.

“I’ve told you before that I want all of you,” she continued softly. “As far as I’m concerned, Toroq is just another aspect ofyou.”

“Apparently, it has a fondness for tasting you as much as I do,” Cazar muttered, upper lip curling to show off his sharp teeth. He dropped her hand, walking calmly over to a large plant with a thick stem.

Cazar casually ripped it from the ground with one swift move, large chunks of dirt shooting up from the ground and then through the air as he launched it like a javelin, sending it flying through the jungle until she couldn’t even see it anymore. He released a loud bellow of fury, grabbing another plant and doing the same thing.

Evie jumped when he unleashed another feral roar. Softly, she called his name, and he calmed. The muscles in his arm bunched as he ran a hand down his face, refusing to look at her. He was breathing heavily, deep noises rumbling in his chest like an anxious animal.

“Cazar,” she repeated cautiously. “It’s okay.”

“It was taunting me, Evie,” Cazar spat in exasperation.

“Tell him to shut the fuck up if he does it again then,” she responded immediately, taking a hesitant step toward her mate. Her pace quickened when he seemed to relax completely, opening his arms in invitation. She reached his side a moment later, sliding an arm around his waist in comfort and holding him close. “I’m sorry he was being a dick.”

It was kind of ridiculous that he’d goaded Cazar so easily, but it also made sense. Toroq had been a fly on the wall of Cazar’s mind for a month now. Of course, he’d been studying her mate for weaknesses, knowing where to inflict the most damage. It was kind of brilliant, really. But she wouldn’t be telling Cazar that.

“I will get over it,” he grumbled, kissing the crown of her head. “Part of my anger is from what else he said.”

“What else did you talk about?” She was almost afraid to ask, even while curiosity ate at her.

“It made several excellent points, most of which involved your safety. You would have died without its interference yesterday. How can I protect you as I am? Without its abilities?”

“He’s riling you up on purpose,” Evie said softly, pulling her head back to look up at him. His eyes were full of worry when they eventually met hers. “He’s likely trying to dissuade you from removing him. But I don’t need you to be insanely strong and capable of biting off heads to protect me. I just needyou.”

“Justmecan’t protect you like it can.”

“No, but you’re fantastic at building things. If you’re that concerned about protecting me, create some unique invention that will put your mind at ease.”

“Like what?”

Evie shrugged. “You’re the scientist. I’m positive you can think of something.”

A muscle in Cazar’s jaw twitched. A long moment of silence passed between them and Evie waited. “It also said you were its mate,” he bit out quietly.

Evie blinked. “I think I misheard you.”

“You did not. It claimed you were its mate. The only reason it spared me that day in my lab was because it could feel your and my attachment for one another. It allowed me to live in order to save you from any emotional trauma that may have been associated with my death.”