Evie snorted despite everything, helping him from Cazar’s home and toward the vehicle parked outside. “Alright, let’s get out of here.”

Chapter 9

Thenextfewdayspassed in a blur of misery. Cazar’s only attempt to socialize with the outside world had been when he had called his father to ensure he was not gravely wounded. After apologizing until his voice had grown hoarse, he’d told his father to not return.

It was better to keep himself locked away from everyone and everything, shame and horror the driving factors to his self imposed exile. He wished to be left alone indefinitely.

There was just one glaring issue regarding that.

Unlike his stint during his last period of self-isolation; he was a changed male, forever altered by the brief affections of his mate. His time with Evie had caused something to snap within him, and now he could constantly hear echoes of thoughts in his head. Some were his, some weren’t, and all were carnal and devious when it came to his breathtakingly beautiful woman.

The rampant thoughts made it nearly impossible for him to stay away from her. His craving for Evie was doubled now that he’d tasted her. Now that she’d embraced him as he was; a monster. His desire to be near her was so great that he’d begun chaining himself to his bed at night in the hopes of preventing the parasite from taking over and seeking her out as it had before.

A week ago the idea would have seemed too drastic of a measure, but he’d already broken into Evie’s room once to feast on her cunt. And then he’d turned feral the next time he’d tasted her, harming his father and terrifying her. Cazar could still hear Evie’s panicked voice in his head at all hours of the day, driving him crazy with fear of what he could have done to her.

‘Cazar, stop! You’re scaring me!‘

Still, thoughts of Evie were never far from his mind, and each hour he spent away from her only worsened his mood until he was practically foaming at the mouth like some rabid beast.

It was enough to drive Cazar to drink if he wasn’t so worried about further altering his brain chemistry and body with alcohol. Being a scientist and knowing the effects this was having on his mind and health made him even more frustrated.

The doorbell chimed overhead, drawing him from his increasingly morose thoughts. Agitated by the interruption, Cazar snarled under his breath, content to ignore whoever was at his damned door.

The chiming began again. And then again. And again–

For lomta’s sake!

Cazar clicked a button on his desk, and the holoscreen on the middle of the desk flickered to life, showing Kylok standing just outside.

“What?” Cazar snapped, feeling more worn down than he ever had before.

“I come with news on your situation,” Kylok stated.

They sat in silence for a moment before Cazar spoke. “Well? Do you plan on sharing what you’ve found?”

Kylok rolled his eyes. “Not until I can speak with you face to face.”

“You know why I don’t wish to be near anyone.”

Kylok shrugged. “I can handle it if you have another horny little tantrum, Cazar. Now, open the door and allow me to see you.”

”’Another horny little tantrum‘?“ Cazar wanted to punch his brother in the face, and this time the sentiment had nothing to do with the parasite.

“Was Evie wrong? From what she described, you were rather upset at being interrupted before you could mate her. The term ‘horny little tantrum’ seemed accurate.”

“I hurt our father and frightened Evie!” Cazar bellowed, disbelief washing over her features. How could Kylok downplay the severity of the situation like this?

“Evie is stronger than she looks, and Father was fine within minutes of reaching the healers. The only one not alright is you. Now open the door before I find my own way inside.”

Cazar scoffed, though the sound was dull and lifeless. “I preferred it when you spoke less.”

“And I preferred it when you weren’t so dejected.”

Fair enough.

Cazar glanced at the floor in resignation before pressing another button on his desk. The door to his home opened, allowing Kylok entry. Within seconds his brother was at his office door, stepping into the room casually, as if he wasn’t afraid that Cazar would snap at any moment.

Maybe he truly wasn’t.