“How are you feeling?” Kylok asked, taking a seat opposite him.

Cazar shrugged. “I feel the same as I did yesterday.” Which wasn’t saying much.

“You look horrendous,” Kylok informed him bluntly. “Have you not been sleeping?”

“I sleep,” Cazar seethed. Though it was fitful due to the chains. The metal was heavy and cold, cutting into him no matter what way he turned. Truth be told, he was lucky to be getting a few hours a night. “Did you come here to pester me about my nightly routine or did you have actual news that could help me?”

Kylok huffed. “Both.”

Cazar perked up, some of the tension fleeing from his shoulders. “What have you discovered?”

“Not as much as I would like, but I do know where the warrior, Erlof, was when he became infected with the parasite. Have you heard of the planet Lorshna?”

Cazar nodded. “I’ve never thought about venturing there, but I’ve heard their planet rivals our own in terms of carnivorous plant life and large, predatory creatures. I have also heard the inhabitants of the planet are far more primitive than our own culture.”

“This is all true. Apparently, a group of warriors were sent there to monitor a growing rebellion among some of the smaller, lesser-known tribes while a new leader was being selected for the position of ruler.”

“And Erlof encountered the parasite there?” Cazar frowned. Why would the male not be upfront about it when Cazar had pressed him for information originally? And how had there been no information on a parasite that fell under Aragnokan jurisdiction?

“Yes. He lied about not knowing its origins because he was ashamed to admit it had been transmitted to him during sexual intercourse with one of the tribesmen.”

“How exactly?”

Kylok cleared his throat. “Evidently, it was attached to one male’s chest and while he was, ahem, behind Erlof...performing, the parasite decided to switch hosts.”

That was both wildly detailed and not enough information. How did Kylok expect Cazar to draw the proper conclusions without providing more context?

“Did Erlof say whether the parasite was protruding from his lover’s body beforehand?”

Or had it looked like it did now? Molded onto his skin like a tattoo?

Kylok sighed, running a hand down his face. “The parasite was very much noticeable, but Erlof was preoccupied with, ah, beingpreoccupiedthat he didn’t realize it had moved from his partner and onto him until he was on his way back to Aragnok.”

“How could he possibly not feel it latching onto him?”

“Well, oftentimes if thepreoccupationis pleasurable enough, you might not notice a variety of things. I don’t expect you to understand–”

“I didn’t even realize my own father was watching me with Evie, so I can assure you I am aware of being lost in pleasure,” Cazar responded, blushing furiously. “But when the parasite attacked me, it covered my entire body. I assume that if Erlof failed to notice its appearance then a different process occurred.”

“Well, that is a reasonable conclusion. Clearly, it affected him in a much different way than it has you,” Kylok responded, scratching the back of his head. “I’m not sure how that is helpful to you now, though.”

“I know what this means,” Cazar said slowly, rising to his feet as determination began to rise in his chest.

“You do?” Kylok stood as well, a hopeful glint in his eye.

“Yes. I’ll go to Lorshna, seek counsel with some of their people, and discover a way to remove this damned thing once and for all.”

Kylok paused. “Go to Lorshna? Why not do the research here, from the safety of your lab?”

Cazar shook his head. “Whatever I’ve learned of that planet has been underwhelming; there isn’t enough available information for me here. I need to go to the source. Now.”

“Now? You will need a small crew to help you pilot a vessel, which could take days to organize. You’ve never even traveled off-world before,“ Kylok protested.

“I don’t want anyone coming with me. I am too dangerous. Besides, I can figure out how to man a ship by myself. Autopilot was a wonderful invention.”

“Yes,” Kylok hissed. “It is a wonderful invention until the system fails and you’re required to use your knowledge to pilot the ship yourself.”

Cazar furrowed a brow, lost in thought. “I don’t want to waste time finding a suitable pilot.” He wanted to pack his things and leave as soon as possible. Besides, having a crew would only hinder his plans.