“Youlooklikeshit,”Alex said from her spot at the kitchen table the following morning, a steaming cup of coffee nestled in her hands. She blew on the surface before taking a sip and smiling contentedly.

Evie made a face, practically dragging herself to the Aragnokan version of an espresso machine.

She was bleary-eyed, her thighs were sore, and she hadn’t been able to sleep at all after Cazar had bolted from her room like he’d just gotten busted by the police for breaking and entering.

She pressed a button on the coffee machine, and two seconds later an Aragnokan version of a perfect vanilla latte was poured into her own mug. The smell of it wafted up toward her nose, and Evie’s whole body relaxed. The contents were hot, but she didn’t care at all as she brought the steaming cup of caffeinated goodness to her lips.

She was definitely going to need it.

It wasn’t until they were both sitting down and half of her drink was gone that Alex spoke up again.

“Kylok heard from Cazar this morning.”

Evie hummed in answer, half-tempted to pretend Cazar didn’t even exist, at least not until she’d had another latte. She needed to process everything that had happened last night before thinking about him in any other capacity.

The cup was already at her lips when Alex spoke again.

“Apparently, he needed to speak with Kylok urgently over something he’s done.”

Evie choked on her drink, liquid spewing from her nostrils as she coughed loudly into the room. Her throat and nose burned from the temperature, and she gagged.

“Are you alright?” Alex jumped from the table, racing over and clapping Evie on the back.

“Did he tell Kylok what he did?” Evie croaked, coughing again to help clear her throat. “I thought they weren’t even speaking.”

Was Cazar going to tell Kylok what happened last night? Eviebarelyknew what happened, and she’d been front and center for the whole show. Despite her near-death experience via latte, her womb tightened and desire pooled low in her belly as she rememberedvery vividlywhat he’d done to her.

Whatthey’ddone to her, she corrected herself.

Alex looked at her like she was crazy, which was probably an accurate assumption, all things considered. She felt a little crazy after last night.

“Well, whatever happened, I guess Cazar has decided to reach out for help. Kylok’s over there at the labs right now.” Alex held up a hand when Evie opened her mouth, more than ready to ask a million questions. “The only thing I know is that Cazar sounded like it was urgent, and Kylok left right away. I’m only speculating that he’s done something by the way Kylok bolted from the house.”

Okay, it probably wasn’t even about him and Joe going to town on her downstairs. Maybe it was something so much more normal than that. And maaaaaybe she’d get changed and go over there right away. Surely, Cazar wouldn’t turn her away now that he’d finally allowed Kylok to visit.

Alex’s mate was pretty much her golden ticket to get in. In fact, Evie was sure Kylok would let her inside Cazar’s home, because if he didn’t? She’d rat him out to Alex and let him deal with slighting his mate’s best friend.

Evie sprang up from her seat, suddenly invigorated and ready to start her day.

“I need your help,” Cazar stated without preamble as Kylok stepped through the door and into his office.

“I’ve missed you, too, little brother,” Kylok greeted with a quirked brow and a sardonic smirk, stepping forward as if to give him a brief hug. But Cazar shook his head, backing away a step.

“I believe we should keep our distance.”

Kylok grunted noncommittally in response, and as usual, the sound prompted Cazar to spill information that he’d rather keep to himself. He had always found it easy to share things with his brother.

“I have a difficult time containing my emotions and physical changes, especially around others. I worry that the parasite may remember sparring with you and rise to the forefront.”

Even now, Cazar could feel it stirring inside him, a deep hunger churning in his gut that he was certain had to do with the memory of eating the heads off of Kylok’s clones only weeks before. That had been its last meal in its monstrous form, as far as Cazar was aware.

Since then, the parasite had been surviving off of his sustenance alone. It explained why his appetite had increased astronomically. And why, where his diet was once plant-based, now he consumed mostly meat. The rawer the meat, the better the taste, though it pained him to admit it.

Kylok tilted his head, studying Cazar curiously. Of course, his eldest brother wouldn’t be nervous at all about possible danger lurking in the room with him.

“Is that why you’ve denied me the option of visiting with you during this time? You’ve been worried you’ll attack me?” Cazar nodded. Kylok huffed, unimpressed with his answer. “Where have your guards gone? The ones that were issued by the capitol to keep you and your work safe? I noticed they were absent from their post.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to admit that Jakkar had been ashamed of him for denying Evie access to the lab, and had thus relocated the guards that he’d been using to keep her at bay. But he’d already endured his father’s disappointed stares; he didn’t want to suffer through Kylok’s as well.