“I’m sorry,” Cazar said instead, his voice thickening with emotion. “For that day. For hurting you. For putting you in the hospital. I’ve been sick with guilt over what I did.”

“Little brother,” Kylok stated in light admonishment. “I do not blame you for any of what happened.”

“I could have killed you,” he responded, voice cracking.

Kylok took a small step toward Cazar. “But it was notyou. Were you aware of what you were doing? Did you intentionally harm me?”

“Well, no–”

“Then it is settled,” Kylok said, effectively cutting him off. “I am healed. My mate and yours are both safe and well. This is because of you, and in the end, that is all that matters.” His voice rang with sincerity, and Cazar looked away, undeserving of such forgiveness.

Kylok took another slow step forward, and then another, before lightly placing a hand on Cazar’s shoulder, and squeezing in reassurance. Cazar sucked in a shallow breath at the comfort in that touch, closing his eyes to savor the connection. He hadn’t allowed anyone this close to him since he’d been attacked by the parasite, aside from Evie last night.

And that had been a mistake.

“Look at me, little brother.” Reluctantly, Cazar did. Kylok held his gaze, unblinking as he said, “You arenotto blame.”

Cazar nodded, clearing his throat discreetly when emotion threatened to overwhelm him. He should have known that his brother would do what he did best and protect Cazar, even if it was from his own guilt. He blinked rapidly, determined not to fall at his brother’s feet and weep in gratitude.

“What help do you need from me?” Kylok asked gruffly, dropping his arm to his side and taking a step back until distance resumed between them.

“I’ve had a difficult time finding out any information about this parasite, and I was curious if you’d heard of anything like it in your travels.”

After last night and his sexual midnight rendezvous with Evie, he was more determined than ever to rid himself of this monstrosity. Ignoring it was not working, nor was attempting to control it. If anything, the creature was only growing stronger. And now that they’d had a taste of her, Cazar was certain he wouldn’t be able to stay away.

Already his cock stirred to life as he remembered how delicious she’d felt in his arms. Of the way she had cried out his name. How she’d come undone on his tongue, spilling her juices just for him.

Cazar wanted that again, for the rest of his life. But he couldn’t stomach the thought of subjecting Evie to the creature lurking within him. Not when he’d caught on to its intentions.

To its desires.

It wanted Evie beneaththemas she screamed her pleasure. Not just for one night, as Cazar had previously assumed. No, it wanted Evie forever. It wanted her just as badly as he did, and now he felt like there was a clock flickering over his head, counting down until the parasite claimed her for the both of them.

And Cazar did not wish to share his mate with anyone, let alone thatthing.

Damn the healers and their incorrect analysis of his situation. He needed to find a way to purge the parasite from his body. And he would, as soon as he knew what planet it came from. When he did, Cazar would venture there, speak with the inhabitants, and then find a method to remove it.

And if he couldn’t?

Then Cazar wouldn’t come back. He’d keep a galaxy between him and Evie to spare her from the dark intentions of the parasite. She wouldn’t want to spend her life with a monster, anyway, and he couldn’t subject her to that kind of life. One where he could lose control at a moment’s notice, where he could hurt her if he took things too far.

He was going to find a way to remove this damned creature if it was the last thing he did.

At that thought, Cazar swore he heard a snort come from the creature in his mind, as if the parasite found his struggle hilarious. He could even sense how smug the fucker was. It thought Evie liked it better than she did Cazar.

A clear image of Cazar’s unnaturally thick, long, purple tongue sweeping over her cunt the night before filled his head, and he felt a distinct knowledge that it expected Cazar to feel grateful that it had shared that physical part of itself so thattheycould please her. So that she could come all overtheirtongue.

Exasperation flooded him.That parasitic fucker–

“I haven’t heard much about the creature aside from what you told me weeks ago in your lab.” Kylok answered, drawing Cazar from his increasingly frustrated thoughts. He hesitated a moment before continuing. “Father did mention that the parasite now resides permanently with you. Is that why you wish to know more about it?”

“I wish to remove it,” Cazar answered flatly.

Kylok’s brow furrowed. “The healers believe that to be impossible. That attempting such a thing could harm you severely.”

“I already feel tortured daily with this thing inside of me,” Cazar snapped, shaking his head in irritation. “I hope that by learning more about it, I may find a safe way to remove it. And to begin my studies, I need to know where it comes from.”

“This seems like a foolish endeavor,” Kylok stated with a scowl.