Page 35 of Scandal

If I work harder, be better, could I be worthy of Cam? That thought has me following him back to his room tonight.

It’s freezing out, and my hands are firmly planted in my hoody pocket, my duffel slung over my shoulder. Cam hooks his arm around my elbow and his hand slides into the pocket, tangling with mine. Such a soft warm hand. Feels like heaven.

His head presses against my shoulder, causing him to walk a bit crooked. I want to touch him too. Not sure if I should though. Not yet.

“So, how have you been?” I ask in the silence.How have you been?Lame.

“Missing you, if I’m being totally honest, which I decided I will be.”

I snort a laugh. Displaced emotional reaction, because,fuck,that makes my insides feel mushy.

“You miss me?” he asks, ignoring my inappropriate response.

“Who wouldn’t miss you?” Enigmatic, but I can’t help it.

I catch his smile and my lips curl without my permission. First time I might have smiled in weeks.

“I’ve missed you. A lot,” he informs me.

“You just say whatever pops into your head, huh?”

Cam bumps me so I stumble a little. “You should try it sometime.” We’re getting close to the dorms, so I pull up my hood. Not that I think anyone will notice me, but technically, pretty sure I’m not supposed to be here, not even to visit anyone. But for Cam, I’ll break the rules tonight. Maybe more than one rule.

My heart is actually racing a little at the idea of it. Of letting my guard down.

Maybe Cam’s has too, because we’re both practically speed walking down the hall to our room. Well, his room. Our old room.

When we get inside, it looks the same. Smells like home. Not that I’ve had a place that feels home in many years, but somehow this place does.

The door closes and Cam turns the lock. Not that the locks matter.

“Why are you frowning?” he questions.

I force a smile. “That’s just my natural face. I have resting-asshole face.”

He laughs. “Bullshit. You have resting-hot-guy face.”

“Tell me more about my hot face.” Walking toward him, I pull off his halo and toss it. He won’t be needing that tonight.

“First time I saw you, I thought you looked like a model. What did you think of me?” Blush spreads on his cheeks.

“I noticed your beautiful blue eyes. Long dark lashes.” I lean down, his eyes flutter closed, and I kiss each lid. He sighs. “Noticed that slender neck.” I trail kisses there too. “And your gorgeous body.” My hands roam the contour of his waist. His palms grab mine, lowering my hands to his ass. I chuckle. “Now this, I’m sorry to say, I didn’t notice for a while.” He laughs too. “But I noticed your sweetness. So, so sweet.”

More kisses trail up under his throat, over his jaw, to the corners of his mouth. My hands find the straps of his wings and I pull them back until they fall to the floor. Then I peel the white shirt and leave it in the growing pile.

More kisses. Tasting every inch of his sweet skin. Have to sink to my knees to get his lower belly. He shivers when my tongue swipes the top of his briefs.

I tug on the hem of the white jeans. They’re stretchy, and come down easily, so I don’t have to unbutton them. For now, they rest around his ankles.

He kicks at his shoes until they come off, and I help him pull the pant legs free as he balances on each foot. Now he’s just in a tight white briefs. And he’s eager for me, I can see that much in the tented fabric, the little droplet wetting the fabric at his tip.

Mouthing over the fabric, Cam’s hands tangle in my hair, massaging my head, holding himself steady with my strands.

“Oh god, Xan,” he groans when my mouth finds his cockhead through the fabric. I mouth my way down the length, over his balls. My fingers tickle up his thighs and find the hem of the briefs.

Tugging them down slowly, criminally slowly, I continue working him through the fabric, unwrapping my prize.

His cock bounces free when I tug the fabric. He smirks down at me with flushed cheeks. Utter angel.