Page 43 of Scandal

I’m so focused on tonight, I don’t listen to a word of the lecture. Racing out of the class, I head straight for my room to shower and get ready.

By the time Xan texts me to tell me he’s waiting out front for me, I’m a ball of nerves. As if this is a blind date or something. I take a calming breath.

When I spot him, I’m struck all over again with chills. How did I land a guy this hot?Temporarily land. And he’s not your boyfriend.

I shut that part of my brain off and enjoy the view. Xan is dressed in dark jeans and a camel-colored sweater. Looks soft. Never seen him wear that before. His inky-black hair is styled to look a little messy. His orange-brown eyes are smoldering. He gives me this sexy little crooked smile. I want to remember this moment forever. Live in the bliss of moments like this one... where everything is perfectly as it should be.

“Hey, handsome.” He holds his arms out and I let him wrap me up. He smells magical. Like that fuck-boy cologne scent. I don’t even know how to describe it. Need to get a jar of it though, dose my room in it.

Not sure how long we stand like that, but eventually he chuckles. “I made a reservation and if we stand here all night we’re going to miss it.”

“Can you drive?” I ask, holding out my keys.

“Course.” He takes them with a kiss.

“How far we going?”

“All the way, I hope,” he purrs with a wink.

My eyes bug out at the insinuation, and he laughs. “Chill, babe. Just pulling your leg. I’m taking you to dinner. Nothing more. I’m a gentleman.”

“I want to,” I squeak. He reaches for my hand, brushing his thumb over mine.

“Me too,” he admits. “But there’s no rush.”

Oh, how wrong he is. But I’m not worrying him yet. We deserve one good night.


“So, what’s your plan, after college?” Cam asks me as I finish paying the bill. He thinks he’s being sly, but something is up tonight. He’s been weird all day. I know him well enough to realize he won’t tell me, but something is definitely going on.

At least we’ve had an amazing steak dinner at Copper and Cork. I think this is my first real date, ever. Don’t think taking someone to a party counts. Cam deserves nice sit-down dates. One where we look each other in the eye and talk about nothing, and everything. Can’t believe I didn’t think of this idea. That’s one of the reasons I don’t feel good enough for him. He knew to ask for a date though, and I’m grateful. Whatever is going on in that brain of his, I don’t think it involves breaking up with me.

“Probably code for the CIA, maybe a private firm that works on ethical hacking. Dean Runkin said there’s been companies reaching out to him. But he won’t let me work until after graduation. Says it would be a distraction. I guess doing any coding that doesn’t get Whitmore money is a distraction according to Runkin.” My jaw tightens at the thought.

“That’s so fucked up.” Cam scowls, which I’m sure is supposed to look fierce, but he just looks adorable doing it.

I hold open the restaurant door for him to pass through, and I take a beat to enjoy the view. “It has been something that’s bothered me over the years, but I wasn’t ready to strike out on my own.”

Cam looks back. “And you are now?”

Grabbing his hand, lacing our fingers together, I give them a squeeze. “It’s less intimidating now. When I was eighteen, I didn’t know how I’d navigate the working world. And college honestly sounded more fun.”

We’re at the car quickly, and I pin him to the door, moving in close. “Don’t worry about us.”

His eyes get that wide hopeful look. “Us?”

I chuckle. “Yeah. Us. We’re the real deal, aren’t we?”

The smile that takes over his face fills me with hope. “Yes,” he breathes the word, as if sighing in relief.

Now I’m the one with a cheesin’ smile. “Good. And whatever happens at Whitmore, we’re unbreakable, okay?”

The way his brow dips, he’s worried, just like me. What does he know?

“Okay,” he hums. “Come back to the dorm tonight?”

I press my body into his, bumping him up against the car. “That’s against the rules.”