“Seraphina knows the consequences of playing with me. Send Nori now. I will deal with the rest,” Bradan snarls.
“Dagger, you heard him.”
Dagger nods. This has to be hard for him. Nori and he are friends, but Dagger has always been duty bound.
“Ardan, you have anything for me, brother?”
“Still quiet here. I’m thinking about coming back.”
“I’d hold off on that if I were you. Ray found some ancient text. This isn’t over. Don’t let your guard down just yet.”
“What was in the text?” Reilly asks.
“An old prophecy.”
“Aw fuck. I can tell by your voice I’m not going to like this, brother,” Ardan groans.
“I believe the stones are being stolen to release our uncle. Mabruk spoke of a war. I think it’s the same one the prophecy speaks of.”
“Wait, what?” Reilly snarls.
“The text speaks of our father and a war of gods.”
“A war, now of all times? I have a fucking vampire king on the loose. You’ve got to be shitting me. Can you send me an image of the text?”
“Actually, I was going to send it to you all.”
“Have you spoken to Carlisle? Does Alaric know what’s going on?” Reilly asks.
“No, I haven’t had time to go see them. I will make the time soon. I don’t think anyone will manage to get by them to get to my stone. I chose the gargoyles for a reason.”
“Yeah, sure. All they have to do is wait for sunrise and smash them. Great hiding place,” Ardan says sarcastically.
“The guardians do their job well. No one gets to Alaric with their life.”
“Let’s hope so, brother. We are two for two and I don’t like it,” Bradan says.
“You’re not alone. Reilly, did you need me to send reinforcements? The longer it takes to find Faustus, the stronger he becomes,” I say, wanting to move forward to bring this meeting to an end.
“No, I’ll have this situation under control soon. Lee Ann is working on a solution for the missing stone to seal him back in once we find him.”
“Very well, is there anything else?”
“Not on my end,” Bradan says.
“I suggest we all wrap things up and head home. If we lose another stone, that’s where we’ll all be needed,” Ardan says.
I nod in agreement. However, my mind has taken a pause as the prophecy plays in my head. We are making a lot of assumptions. What we need is answers.
“Meeting adjourned. Be safe, brothers.”
I drop the gavel and my brothers vanish from the room. Dagger and Rock stand to leave with me. I want to catch Ray before she goes to sleep.
“Amy says she’s ready to do that locator spell for you. She believes she can do it if Ray is in the room,” Dagger says as we walk the halls.
“Tell her to hold off. The seer says Knox will come to me. My gut is telling me to trust my son.”
“You sure? If anyone can find him, Amy can.”