Page 103 of King of Knights

“Channel your emotions. The frustration, the worry, everything you’re feeling. Pull it together and use it. It’s all energy. Use that.”

“She is right. This is what I’ve been trying to tell you,”Venus says.

“I know. I’m trying.”

“Try harder. You can do this.”

I nod and close my eyes. It’s not like I can’t use my magic. I just suck at multitasking, apparently.

As my eyes are closed, I think of Knox, Avionne, and this little one I’m carrying. I can do this for them. Kendrick and Lee Ann seem to believe in me. I just need to believe in myself.

“Okay, let’s go,” I say as I open my eyes.

“There you go,” Manisha says with a smile.

“Attack,” Blossom yells out.

All five fairies start after me. I run and climb the wall to run around the perimeter of the room as they throw attacks at me. I dodge flames, balls of light, and vines that spurt up and try to wrap around me. Pushing off the wall, I turn and go to form a bow and arrow.

The bow forms, but I’m too slow with the arrow. A light orb hits my hand and the arrow fizzes out. I whimper and drop to the ground, cradling my hand to my chest.

And this is why I’ve started to block Kendrick out during my training sessions. In the past, he has appeared ready to flatten my sparring partners more than once.

“That was better,” Blossom says as she comes to help me up.

“But not good enough,” I huff.

“For someone with no training at all until a few months ago, that was awesome,” Ember says.

“Again,” I growl.

“You’re fatigued. Mentally and physically. I think that’s enough,” Manisha says.

I glare at the mind fairy. I know she means well, but I need to get this right. I get so angry when I think about how my father has handicapped me. Not even a stinking self-defense class.

To think, I thought I was going to fight Kendrick that night he rescued me. That’s the most frustrating thing. I may not have the skills, but I’ve always been a fighter at heart.

Knowing Manisha means well and beginning to feel the exhaustion set in, I sigh and nod. “Okay. Thank you all for your help.”

“It will come. Be patient,” Bay says.

Long Day

It’s been a month since Reilly has been gone and three since Ardan has been away. Bradan has been hot on Seraphina’s trail, so it’s been a while since he’s made an appearance at the clubhouse.

We’re scattered around the world with so much going on, but we need to make time to meet. We’re able to astral project to sit in a room together. This is how we hold church in times like this.

Each of us sits in the clubhouse’s boardroom. However, Dagger, Rock, and I are the only ones here in the flesh. My brothers are in a spirit form. They look just as if they are in the flesh, but they are translucent versions of themselves. I call the meeting to order so everyone can get back to their assignments.

“She got away again. Someone is helping her,” Bradan growls. “They are staring in our faces while this shit is going on. I want to know who.”

“He’s right. Someone helped her escape. I don’t like this,” Reilly says.

“I will take responsibility. She’s a fairy. This falls on us. I will root out the traitor,” Dagger says.

“Send me her sister. I’m done playing games. You feel me.”

“Is this really the route you want to take, brother?”