She looks at me like she’s trying to decide if she’s still angry, and I grin at her playfully, feeling my chest burn with the need to kiss her. Her lips twitch, and I lean forward to capture her mouth with mine.
Her hands find my jaw, and she turns my head to deepen our kiss, slipping her tongue against mine. When she pulls back, her lipstick is on my mouth, and I have the urge to rip her clothes off and fuck her until she can’t breathe.
“Day one, and we’re already making out in a janitor’s closet.” She sighs. “I’m going to get fired.”
I laugh. “No, you aren’t.”
Her fingers dig into my jaw. “We need to set some ground rules.”
I nod. “Okay, what’re the ground rules?”
“No touching at school is number one,” she says with a tight smile. “We need to have a totally normal student-teacher relationship when we are here, okay? Act like a normal high school student, and I’ll yell at you for being disruptive or whatever.”
My brows pull down. “If you yell at me, my dick will get hard, and I’ll bend you over your desk in front of everyone – is that what you want?”
Her eyes narrow.“Hayden.”
I chuckle. “What are the rest of your rules, Miss Leyton?”
“Oh!” She holds up a finger. “That’s a good one. Make sure you don’t accidentally call me Penelope in front of people.”
“Anything else?” I ask, studying her green eyes.
“Just…” She starts, dropping her head back against the door. “Don’t fucking tell anyone, Hayden, got it?”
I pull her into me, kissing along her throat. “Got it, now shut up and let me kiss you since we’re already breaking rule number one.”
* * *
By the timeI get to 3rdperiod Government, I’ve taken another few Xanax and picked my nail beds to hell. I don’t know why I feel so fucking anxious today, but my relief is sitting at the desk in the corner of the room once I’m inside Mrs. Justice’s classroom.
Penelope looks gorgeous today, her hair up in a ponytail and her dress tight. I hadn’t noticed this morning because I was too busy getting lost in my need to touch her, but watching her from a distance for forty minutes sounds like the best type of edging a guy could ask for.
She glances at me from the corner of her eye as I walk through the class and sit down in the back, but once Levi drops down in the desk next to mine, she looks away.
“Hey,” he says, throwing his backpack on top of the desk. “What was up your ass this morning?”
“Dude,” I answer, my lips kicking up into a grin. “What are you? My therapist?”
He snorts. “No, I’m your brother, and I want to know why you were acting like such a dick. You pissed Logan off, and she’s going to tear into you later.”
“Let her.” I roll my eyes.
“Well…” he says, dragging it out. “Lo called a family meeting for tonight, your place. I’ll be with the student government, so record it if she starts to kick your ass.”
I let my gaze travel across the room to where Penelope is flipping through stacks of papers at her desk. “I have plans tonight.”
Levi must have followed my eyeline, because he groans in the back of his throat. “Goddamn, she’s torturing me.”
I look at him from the corner of my eye. “What?”
A sinister grin cuts across his face. “How much would you give me if I could get Miss Leyton to fuck me by the end of the year?”
I grit my teeth, twisting my head to the side to face him again. My nostrils flare as I try to keep all the violent and angry thoughts inside my head, and his brows pull down. I pull oxygen through my nose to calm down and remind myself that I need to be pretending I don’t know her.
“I wouldn’t give you anything, but good luck.”
The words sting my throat like venom, and more than anything else, I want to punch him square in the face for talking about her like that and spit that she’s mine.